Orange County NC Website
Approved Summary <br />Animal Services Advisory Board (ASAB) <br />September 15, 2010 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. <br />Multipurpose Meeting Room, Animal Services Center <br /> <br /> <br />Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, Jean Austin <br /> <br />Present ASAB Members: Jean Austin, Susan Elmore, Kris Bergstrand, Tracy Carroll, Suzanne <br />Roy and Daniel Textoris <br /> <br />Absent ASAB Members: None <br /> <br />There were a total of 6 board members present which made a quorum. <br /> <br />Motion made by Susan Elmore and seconded by Daniel Textoris to approve the Agenda dated <br />September 15, 2010 VOTE: Unanimous <br /> <br />Motion made by Jean Austin and seconded by Daniel Textoris to approve the minutes from July <br />21, 2010 ASAB Meeting. VOTE: Unanimous <br /> <br />There were no general public comments <br /> <br />Program Coordinator, Sarah Fallin announced that the Artist Appreciation would have to be <br />presented at a later date because both artists that had donated items for the Operation Clean <br />Raffle could not attend this evening’s meeting. Board members extended their gratitude to <br />Vincent Daddiego and Beverly Dyer for their donations. Ms. Fallin reported that to date <br />$1,080.00 has been raised and that proceeds from an upcoming dog swim and the sales from <br />calendars for the favorite pet contest will also go toward Operation Clean. Board members <br />conducted the drawing for the raffle and Ms. Fallin will contact all the winners to pick up their <br />prizes. <br /> <br />Sarah Fallin gave an update on upcoming Special Events for the remainder of this calendar <br />year. Included will be the Dog Swim, Word Rabies Day, Spay Day with Pet Overpopulation, Pet <br />Portraits, Home For the Holidays, Shelter Appreciation Week and the Holiday Parades. <br /> <br />Bob Marotto reported that Kris Bergstrand and Susan Elmore have agreed to be reappointed to <br />the ASAB and that Susan Elmore’s position will be a joint position with the Orange County <br />Board of Health. <br />Mr. Marotto also reported that the Townships of Carrboro and Chapel Hill are also in the <br />process of making recommendations to the BOCC. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Jean Austin and seconded by Tracy Carroll for board members to prepare <br />the ASAB Summaries on a rotating basis starting October 20, 2010. Suzanne Roy will provide <br />the summary for the October 20th meeting and Susan Elmore will provide the summary for the <br />November 17th meeting. VOTE: Unanimous