Orange County NC Website
ASAB Approved Summary <br />May 19, 2010 <br /> <br />working with each group, current as well as new rescue groups in order to make it a positive and <br />smooth transition. <br /> <br />Nuisance Animal Ordinance and Farm Animal Reports— <br /> <br />Motion was made by Jean Austin and seconded by Kris Bergstrand to accept the Farm Animal <br />and Animal Nuisance Ordinance, “A Report of the Animal Services Advisory Board dated April <br />19, 2010”. VOTE: Unanimous <br /> <br />The County Manager’s office will be provided with the report along with a cover letter for <br />submittal to the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Marotto reported that the Judge found <br />Mr. Greene in violation of the existing regulation, which we declined to recommend a revision <br />about. <br /> <br />Manager’s Recommended Budget— <br />Bob Marotto provided a handout of the County Manager’s budget for Animal Services. There <br />will be two public hearings and a number of work sessions, which the public is welcome. The <br />BOCC will have an approved budget in June. There was a total of $175,000 in reductions. Some <br />of those reductions will be in the spay/neuter program; in house spay neuter, medical supplies, <br />animal related supplies, cat trapping etc. There was one permanent position cut with no layoffs <br />and a reduction in the temporary line item by $6,000 that would of gone in to the in-house <br />spay/neuter. Animal Services has worked hard with staff and others to sustain a quality program <br />in a cost conscious way and we continue to do that as we go forward. <br /> <br />Animal Services Advisory Board Review— <br />Per the request of the ASAB members, Jean Austin contacted Liaison, Mike Nelson and he <br />responded saying that he thought the board was doing a pretty good job. He felt that we are <br />dealing with realities of financial limitations and evaluating things in a realistic fashion when <br />issues or concerns were brought to the board. He expressed that the ASAB board had a delicate <br />balance between advocacy and pragmatism. <br /> <br />Bob Marotto provided a handout from Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board, which provides an <br />evaluation process for boards and commissions. A few of the procedural matters from the April <br />13th work session included some of the following: only appointments that can be made at this <br />time would be for the mandated boards and multi-jurisdictional (external) boards, to leave <br />vacancies unfilled on internal boards/commissions and subject to further review, to remove <br />designated liaisons (BOCC member) from the county’s internal boards, allowing commissioners <br />to attend, as they wish, of the various board meetings. Up to 3 BOCC members may attend. <br />Annual reports will inform the BOCC of the past yearly activities and summaries of board <br />meetings will be produced and sent to the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br /> <br />