Orange County NC Website
Page 3 of 5 <br />ASAB Approved Summary March 17, 2010 <br /> <br />Mr. Marotto added that the outside agency funding process has historically been handled <br />through the Human Resources Advisory Boards. They try to involve other boards that have <br />interest in grant applications submitted to the County and for this coming fiscal year's budget, <br />three applications pertained to animal related issues. Our recommendations went back to the <br />Manager's office as part of the budget process. <br /> <br />Old Business— <br /> <br />ASAB Committee Status Reports <br /> <br />Placement Partner Agreement—Mr. Marotto reported that the committee is still working on the <br />final version to be submitted to the Manager in the next month or two. <br /> <br />Nuisance Animal Ordinance— <br />Ms. Austin gave an update to say that Mr. Green had attended an ASAB meeting in November <br />2009, making a request that we consider changing the Animal Control Ordinance to exclude <br />farm animals from being defined as nuisance animals. Mr. Green had been cited after receiving <br />an abatement order for animals getting out of his farm property. Mr. Marotto noted that Mr. <br />Green wished to clarify that his request was not an official request from the Agricultural <br />Preservation Board, of which he is a member. Only that he considered the request to be in line <br />with a recommendation in the agricultural development and farm land preservation document <br />that the Agricultural Preservation Board work with the County Animal Services Board to re- <br />evaluate the Animal Control Ordinance for any negative impacts it may have on farmers. Mr. <br />Marotto reported that he had contacted the Sheriff’s office per the request of an ASAB member <br />from last month’s meeting to get data on how many animal calls were received last year. The <br />Sheriff reported that there were approximately eighty animal calls; twenty-five of them related to <br />animals were in the roadway. Out of those twenty-five, four to six were large animals. He noted <br />that this does not include calls responded to by the Highway Patrol. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Kris Bergstrand and seconded by Daniel Textoris to request that Animal <br />Services staff come back to the ASAB with a report based upon all the findings leading the ASAB <br />to the conclusion that there should be no recommendation to amend the ordinance to exclude <br />farm animals from the "nuisance" designation. After adoption by the ASAB, the report would <br />then be transmitted to the Manager’s office. VOTE: Unanimous <br /> <br />February Statistical Summary—Jess Allison reported that 196 animals were admitted in <br />February 2010, that is down by 46 animals compared to January. Twelve were recovered, 85 <br />adopted, 40 were transferred and 74 euthanized. Irene Phipps reported that 47 stray animals <br />were brought in by Animal Control, 19 were surrenders and that there were no positive rabies <br />cases last month. Animal Services held a rabies clinic in February with a total of 49 dogs and <br />47 cats vaccinated, combined with local veterinarians there were a total of 624 dogs and 568 <br /> <br />