Orange County NC Website
<br />Animal Services Advisory Board (ASAB) <br />Approved Minutes for March 17th, 2010 Meeting <br /> <br />Present ASAB Members: Daniel Textoris, Jean Austin, Susan Elmore, Kris Bergstrand, <br />Suzanne Roy, Tracy Carroll, Mike Nelson and Katie Brooks. <br /> <br />Absent ASAB Members: Bonnie Norwood and Dewana Anderson <br /> <br />Others in Attendance: Animal Services Director Bob Marotto, Shelter Manager Jess Allison, <br />Animal Control Manager, Irene Phipps and Administrative Assistant, Paula Ragan. <br /> <br />Public Members Present: None <br /> <br />Welcome and Opening Comments—ASAB Chair, Jean Austin called the meeting to order. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Kris Bergstrand and seconded by Susan Elmore to adopt the Agenda dated <br />March 17, 2010 with change in order under New Business. VOTE: Unanimous. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Daniel Textoris and seconded by Kris Bergstrand to approve the minutes <br />dated February 17, 2010. VOTE: Unanimous <br /> <br />New Business— <br /> <br />FY1011 Budget Process- <br /> <br />Mr. Marotto and Mike Nelson reported that the directive given by the County Manager is to <br />reduce the Fiscal Year 10/11 total budget by 5 million dollars given the shortfall in revenues <br />from sales tax, debt service cost and other sources. There will be significant changes and <br />reorganizations that include targeted reductions of 75-100 positions countywide. The Manager <br />and the Board are committed to achieving the reductions without layoffs by focusing on a hiring <br />freeze, elimination of vacancies and realignment of staff and positions. Staffing and schools are <br />the biggest parts of the county budget. Mr. Nelson feels that this is a good opportunity to figure <br />out more efficient ways for the County to work as a whole. The BOCC is looking at merging and <br />eliminating some of the existing advisory boards. There are a total of 77 boards with seven <br />Commissioners assigned as liaisons to these boards. The cost associated with having this many <br />boards is high due to the staff time associated with supporting them. Appointments to advisory <br />boards have been placed on hold at this time until the review is completed. <br /> <br />Bob Marotto and Paula Ragan met with the Assistant County Manager, Finance and Budget to <br />review Animal Services proposed budget for Fiscal Year 10/11. There will be additional <br />meetings held including a review with the County Manager in April before he makes a <br />recommendation to the BOCC. Mr. Marotto reported that Animal Services is looking to <br /> <br /> <br />