<br />Attachment 1 B -Orange County Local Government
<br />Fiscal Year 2006 07 Planned Projects
<br /> r
<br />-'°'•-
<br />2006.07 Funding
<br />Sou_ r_ce - •-
<br /> Project Funding Pr(or to FY
<br />2006.0'7 __
<br />~
<br />pAYG Total Project Funding
<br />Through Sept 12, 2006
<br />25 Smith Middle School Park Lighting $250,000 $0 $250,000
<br />~
<br />26 Southern Community Park $2,795,000 $0 $2,795,000
<br />27 Southern Crange Senior Center $6,150,000 $D $G,150,000
<br />28 Tvdin Creeks Park Development $1,850,000 $0 $1,850,000
<br />29 Waterprooring and Draignage $71,000 $0 $71,000
<br />30 West 10 Soccer Complex $1,700,000 $0 $1,700,000
<br />Section 2. County Pay-As•You-Go protect Qrdinances Recommended for BOCC Approval on September 12, 2006
<br />31 Americans With Disabilities Act $50,000 $50,000 $100,000
<br />32 Assessments and Tes(ing $25,000 `$10,000 $35,000
<br />33 Blackwood Farm $75,OD0
<br />~ 550,000 $125,000
<br />34 Building Entry Access Control Systems $50,000 $25,000 $75,000
<br />
<br />35 Capital Repairs/Replacement (Emergency) -
<br />_
<br />Reserve Fund $25,000
<br />.._. ' $50,0170
<br />- $75,000
<br />-
<br />36 _
<br />Conservation Easements $4,861,681 ,
<br />$150,000 $5,011,681
<br />37 County Facllliles Arts Reserve $5,000 $5,000 $10,000
<br />38 Emergency Communications $0 $100,000 $100,000
<br />39 Emergency Power Sources $152,000 $50,000 $202,000
<br />40 Employee Parking $0 $50,000 $50,000
<br />41 Flre Alarm Systems $15,000 515,000 $30,000
<br />42 Flooring Replacements $141,000 5125,OD0 $266,000
<br />~
<br />43 HVAC Replacements ~ $293,000 $300,000 $593,000
<br />44 Information Technology $1,225,000 $800,000 $2,025,000
<br />45 Jail Renovations $625,000 $50,000 $G75,000
<br />46 Lake Michael Park $0 $25,000 $25,000
<br />.___
<br />47 MasonryRepalrs $D $10,000 $10,000
<br />48 Mlilhouse Road Park ~ $0 $50,00(7 $50,000
<br />