Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> <br />New Business: <br />(A) 2017 Shelter Statistics through June: Andi Morgan presented a 6 month comparison: very similar to <br />previous 6 month report; “other” category continues to skew stats, such as confiscations and returns; there <br />is an increase in the intake of pregnant cats which leads to the larger number of kittens born on site; and <br />adoption rates fluctuate but are also offset by rescue numbers. The partnership with IAR is greatly <br />improved and mutually important for helping when the number of owner-surrendered cats increases. <br /> <br />(B) Animal Services Updates: Bob Marotto reviewed the shelter stats for July; staffing vacancies; recent hires; <br />the Petrie grant to broaden the financial eligibility criteria for residents to get more animals spayed and <br />neutered; a report that Beyond Fences will not be accepting any new clients in Orange Co; costs for animal <br />identification as part of the adoption package have been offset by a donation by the FOCAS; a report on an <br />emergency shelter preparedness exercise; a new generator pending; the restroom remodel completion; <br />pending sewer repairs; two positive tests of Panleukopenia resulting in a series of steps to isolate the <br />possible affected animals, minimize cross-contamination, and kill the virus; and upcoming events at Clear <br />the Shelters, Rabies and Microchip clinic, a Back to School Special, and a spay/ neuter event. <br /> <br />(C) Animal suspected neglect and abuse: Bob Marotto opened a discussion in reference to suspected neglect or <br />abuse that is observed when animals are owner-surrendered. Often these animals are surrendered <br />because they are sick or injured and the owners cannot pay for veterinary care. He described two <br />scenarios for responding to suspicions: (1) Surrendered is surrendered in which there is no response from <br />OCAS; or (2) Neglect is not acceptable, and there must be a response. Prosecution by the District Attorney, <br />or OCAS enforcement, are not really options unless to address conclusive animal mistreatment. Penalties <br />may include conditions that limit future ownership of any animal, penalties which are subject to due <br />process and to appeal. Administrative penalties, like fines, under the Ordinance are also possible. <br /> <br />OCAS strives to craft progressive programs and to build bridges in the community, especially parts of the <br />community that are generally underserved. Programs like a medical benevolence fund, vouchers, or grants <br />that could be awarded while the pet is still in the care of the owner could prevent some of these situations. <br />Edmund Tiryakian made a motion create a subcommittee to research options for addressing suspected <br />neglect and abuse during an owner-surrender through education, prevention, and resource utilization; <br />Diane Obeid seconded. The motion carried without dissent. Edmund Tiryakian and Diane Obeid <br />volunteered to start the subcommittee. Other volunteers will be solicited. <br /> <br />Information Items (made available): <br />(A) Monthly Sheltering Statistical Reports, July 2017 <br />(B) Monthly Field Service Statistical Report, July 2017 <br /> <br />Adjournment and next meeting: <br />Edmund Tiryakian made a motion to adjourn at 8:11; Molly Mullin seconded. Motion carried without dissent. <br />The next meeting is September 20, 2017 at 6:30 pm, Orange County Animal Services Center. <br /> <br />Minutes taken: <br />Victoria Hudson