Orange County NC Website
3a <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like abroad-brush analysis for payment-in- <br />Iieu funds.. She said that if there could be a new formula that yields fees more in line with costs, <br />then they could accelerate the building of park facilities. <br />Dave 5tancil said that between the addendum to the plan, the facilities that they are <br />building, and the strategic plan and other documents, it should put them in a good position to <br />look at a level of service. <br />Geof Gledhill said that there is nothing about impact fees that requires the County to <br />look at a national level of service, but the impact fee authorization that Orange County has says <br />that the level of service you are looking at should be whatever ycu establish regardless of what <br />the national level is. Once a level of service is reached for parks and recreation, then you can <br />set the fees. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that it has been almost a year since they looked at the <br />Recreation and Parks strategic plan and he said that there was no way that the County could <br />afford 18-20 staff positions. He wants an updated version of the plan and the timeframe. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that if they have facility needs and there is money to be <br />charged far development, then they need to look into this, She said that the County should get <br />what it is supposed to for the cost of development. <br />Commissioner Carey agreed with Commissioner Gordon that they should be charging a <br />higher fee if the level of service indicates it. He recognizes that there must be a technical report <br />to document that the level of service is to the point where they can raise the fees. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the higher cost of building schools and said that once <br />they charge the collaboration group to revisit the construction schedules and they come back <br />with a recommendation, then they can think about a study. <br />Craig Benedict said that the fee for a consultant for parks would probably be $15,000- <br />$20,000. Geof Gledhill suggested getting an RFP for the schools that has an add-on. <br />Craig Benedict made reference to the school impact fee and said that it was agreed at <br />60% of the maximum supportable in 2001. They are probably at 40% of the maximum that <br />could be charged. Commissioner Carey asked if they could use the old technical report and say <br />that they are going to go up to 80% instead of investing in another report. <br />Geof Gledhill suggested that it be a short-term measure and that they need new impact <br />fee information.. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked what to put down for the tab on the new school <br />assessment. Budget Director Donna Dean said that the last Tischler report said that it would be <br />between $60,000-$100,000. Craig Benedict said that the record keeping and coordination with <br />both school systems since 200 i has improved greatly and there will be better available <br />information, <br />Geof Gledhill said that this is a fee that pays you back and it is an investment. <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to Completed Goals and the loan pool, where it <br />refers to a meeting that was supposed to occur on January 26'h. He asked about this meeting. <br />Economic Development Director Dianne Reid said that the meeting did occur on the 26'h, but <br />there was not a quorum of the Board of Directors. The people that were there were very <br />interested in utilizing the County portion as a starting point for a revived program. She said that <br />the representatives were from banks and they also felt that their institutions would be willing tc <br />contribute grant funds to a reinvigorated program. They were all in favor of this new approach.. <br />Commissioner Carey left at 8:56 p.m <br />Commissioner Foushee made reference to the Human Services tab, under Hispanic and <br />Latino relations. This is the first goal, the second page, which is designation of Oompliance <br />Officer. She said that this has budget implicaticns and she asked how this position relates to <br />those items for which the County has federal mandates, Gwen Harvey said that this position is <br />