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a~ <br />28) Reevaluate siting and sewer requirements of new solid waste headquarters: <br />Commissioner Carey said that this needs to be done because it also helps to determine how <br />it is going to affect the affordable housing issue on the Greene Tract, The two may be related. <br />31) Orange County Durham Tech campus -Monitor the construction of the Orange <br />County Campus of Durham Tech to ensure that it meets Orange County standards and <br />also proceeds in a timely manner: <br />Chair Jacobs said that when they met with Senator Burr's economic development <br />representative a couple of weeks ago, he suggested that they are going to bring all community <br />colleges in the state together on Monday to tell them that they are going to have to work <br />together for their money. Donna Dean will be going to this meeting, <br />32) Include green building standards at DTCC: <br />Chair Jacobs said to add this to the budget drivers and possible expenses. <br />35) Animal Shelter: <br />Chair Jacobs asked if this money is in the CIP and Donna Dean said that planning money is <br />in the current CIP. There is also $5 million in later years in the debt issuance schedule for the <br />construction. It would be an alternatively financed project. <br />36) Continue to promote the Buy t_ocal Campaign: <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this is very important. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the item about possible non per-pupil support for the school <br />systems, and said that there was an incentive to purchase local produce. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Buy Local Campaign was kicked off by both Chambers <br />of Commerce. She pointed out that now with the new TTA route, people could get to <br />Hillsborough from points in Chapel Hill. Information about buying locally could be put at bus <br />stops. <br />37) Adopt a form of districts for election of BOCC: <br />Commissioner Carey would like to bring this to closure by the end of February. <br />Chair Jacobs said that there is a work session on February 16'h, a meeting on February 215', <br />and they could decide on March 2nd <br />The Board agreed, <br />38) Ensure that the Mill Creek community health water project proceeds in a timely <br />manner: <br />Health Director Rosemary Summers said that the hold up is the state lab's examination of <br />water samples due to a staff shortage. They are hoping to get all of the samples in the state lab <br />by the end of March, There is usually atwo-week turnaround time, They have not found <br />anything overwhelming or significant yet, There are a few homes with some bacteriological <br />issues, but this is true across the County.. <br />39) Improve employment diversity: <br />40) Recruit and select new Human Resources Director: <br />Yes to 39 and 40. <br />Candidates are being interviewed for the HR Director. <br />41) Make it a top priority to include complete information in the BOCC agenda packets <br />and post it on the website in a timely manner, (Note that if the information is not in the <br />