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January 20, 006 <br />10 <br />BOCC PRIORITIES <br />Background <br />During pre-retreat planning involving the Chair, Vice Chair, Manager, staff and facilitator, it <br />was determined that during this portion of the Commissioners' retreat, the BOCC should: <br />• clarify and check progress on the current short-term priorities; <br />• consider how previously established goals and objectives might shape the approach <br />to accomplishing BOGC priorities for the upcoming year; <br />• identify any new ideas that individual Commissioners may propose for consideration <br />along with potential priorities that were identified in November 2005; and <br />• be mindful in so doing of what the BOCC and staff can handle "on the plate" at any <br />one time. <br />The BOCC may determine what budget and policy priorities should be addressed in <br />upcoming work sessions. This would begin the process of establishing time tables to <br />accomplish the most pressing issues. The BOCC then can determine specific priorities <br />later, at one or more work sessions, beginning with the one scheduled for January 31, <br />2006. <br />County Commissioners' Priorities List <br />In November 2005, the Manager requested the County Commissioners' feedback on the <br />top five to seven Board of Commissioners' priorities over the upcoming months with the <br />objective of identifying the key areas for near term staff focus. The Commissioners shared <br />this feedback individually. <br />Staff then compiled the Commissioners' individual feedback into a priorities list organized <br />by major subject category and provided an update under the "Staff Comment" section on <br />the status of that priority. This was shared with the Board earlier. The list that follows in <br />this section is that same list with the major subject categories grouped as follows for <br />discussion purposes <br />Top Priorities <br />Under "top" priorities, the list shows those priority subject areas in which three or more <br />Commissioners indicated a priority. These are: <br />• Budget <br />• Emergency Planning <br />• Efland -Mebane Issues <br />• Environmental Responsibility <br />• Land Use Plan Update <br />• Schools <br />• Solid Waste <br />• Space/Facilities/Construction Project Improvements <br />Other Priorities <br />Under "other" priorities, the fist shows those major subject areas in which at least one <br />Commissioner indicated a priority. These are: <br />