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Attachment 2 <br />ao <br />other pending projects in the current Lands Legacy Action Plan that would further add <br />protected lands along the Eno. <br />Looking at the larger picture and emerging opportunities, there appears to now be <br />potential for expanding the Seven -Mile Creels Preserve concept northward to the Upper <br />Eno, creating a larger Upper Eno Preserve network of lands along the Eno and its main <br />tributaries. <br />Likewise, opportunities may exist for expansion of the New Hope Preserve westward <br />along the headwaters of New Hope Creels in conjunction with Duke Forest and other <br />conservation partners. <br />Further study and formalization of this concept may also assist other County goals, <br />including watershed protection and growth management. For example, a Nature Preserve <br />could also work in tandem with a Transfer of Development Rights program, if <br />implemented in the future, as a possible "sending area." <br />Considerable additional detail is needed for these projects, including formal inclusion in <br />the Comprehensive Plan, how public access would work, and what lands would be <br />priorities for possible acquisition from willing landowners, to further the creation of such <br />nature preserves. A draft Interim Stewardship Plan for the Seven -Mile Creels Preserve (as <br />has already been prepared and presented for the Blackwood Farm property), has been <br />created and will be presented to the Board in August/September. <br />Recommendation <br />Staff proposes to create a report during FY 2006 -07 that explores the potential for an <br />expanded Upper Eno Nature Preserve of natural areas and open space lands, including <br />priority lands generally from the West Fork Reservoir /Lake Orange area south to the <br />Seven -Mile Creek lands. The report would also assess possibilities for expansion of the <br />New Hope Preserve westward along New Hope Creek. The report would further refine <br />the components and characteristics of a Nature Preserve, which could accomplish a <br />variety of different goals. This would be consistent with the work accomplished to date <br />on the Natural Areas Component of the planned Natural and Cultural Systems Element of <br />the Comprehensive Plan, and the recommendations of the State of the Environment <br />reports of 2002 and 2004. <br />In addition, the report would address the mechanisms for working with landowners and <br />potential partners, and explore appropriate locations for public access areas. Possible <br />interactions with other County goals, including transfer of development rights and <br />watershed protection, would be explored with the assistance of County staff. Finally, the <br />report could also examine whether the potential for other nature preserves exists for <br />current protected lands in the County, and look at nature preserve programs in other <br />counties around the Unites States. <br />