Orange County NC Website
JLGVUb-VGJL "`b" ""' <br />NllGVI 111LV u uvr♦aa u.v u avvaaava ♦. va .. .. _-- - -- - <br />products services and guaranties related to a facility that is the subject of a capital lease; <br />provided all agreements are approved by the board of county commissioners in connection with <br />the approval of the build -to -suit cap- ital lease. <br />(c) Approval by Local Boar of Education — Before entering into a build -to -suit ca >i tal <br />lease pursuant to this section the local board of education shall adopt a resolution as provided in <br />this subsection. Before adopting the resolution required by this subsection the local board of <br />education shall publish a notice of its intent to enter into a build -to -suit capital lease at least 10 <br />days in advance of the date of the meeting at which the action is contemplated and in a <br />newspaper having general circulation within the geographic area served by the local board of <br />educa tion. The notice shall include at a mninimumn, the date time and place of the meeting, a <br />descr iption in brief and general terms of the subject of the lease the name of the other pa to <br />the lease and arm indication of the board's intent to take action to authorize the lease at the <br />indicated meeting. The resolution <br />shall <br />provide the <br />followine: <br />r1r <br />m>,..4 ....+,...:..� ;, +. +>, 1,,,;IA +n_o,,,t na n,tnl IPncp tnr nne nr mnrP snernlen <br />buildings or facilities is in the unit's best interests under all the circumstances. <br />In making this evaluation the local hoard of education may consider the tine, <br />cost, and quality of desirm en ing eerin and construction mcludmg the tune <br />required to begm and the time required to complete a particular _a(jtxvjW <br />occupancy costs including lease payments life -cycle maintenance, repair, and <br />....M• --A n n +4,n.• tha hnarA ApPmc rPiOVnm <br />That tkme private developer is qualified to provide either alone or in <br />conjunction with other identified and associated persons, the products and <br />services called for under the proposed capital lease and any related agreements. <br />The local board of education shall make this determination talon:? into account <br />an•' factors the local <br />board deems <br />relevant <br />including the <br />knowledge, skill, <br />and <br />http: / /www.ncleg.neUSessions/ 2005 / Bills /Senate/HTML /S2009v4.1itml 8/21/2006 <br />