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q <br />B) In coordination with Business Climate work group, help communicate to <br />potential workers the types of jobs the county wants and expects to create so <br />that workers can develop realistic career goals <br />During the, focus groups described above, the Workforce group has been <br />gathering information, from employers about the types of openings they expect <br />over the next, few years similar it formation was collected from temporary <br />agencies. The group will continue gathering such data. <br />Once the Business Climate group has, finalized its list of desirable businesses, the <br />Workforce Development work group will conrnnurieate this nrformation with the <br />educatiwral partners listed above. <br />C) Promote access to living wage jobs that offer benefits and career <br />advancement potential <br />Members of the wor•lcgroup have worked wish various organizations that <br />recognize county businesses drat offer family, friendly enrploynrent, such as the <br />Chapel Flill-Carrboro Chamber and the Orange County Partnership for' Yoznrg <br />Children. Additional efforts on this goal will be rurclerYaken in ?006-07. <br />D) Ensure county workers and those preparing for the worltforce have access to <br />transportation, child care, eldercare, affordable housing and healthcare <br />As an initial step toward this goal, several members of'the group are participating <br />in the County's Child Care Task For°ce wlricTr is looking at ways to improve <br />access to affordable clrildcar°e Among other goals, tkre task force is trying to <br />encourage employers to provide, frnancial suppw2 for employees' day care costs.. <br />Other components will be undertaken in, future years <br />E) Develop and nurture partnerships that support workers and their families at <br />all stages of their lives and provide opportunities for lifelong learning and <br />retraining in response to changing economic conditions <br />Efforts in this area will be undertaken in coordination witTr the Quality of Place <br />Workcgroup in future years. <br />