Orange County NC Website
marlcet at Earthfair in Chapel Hill and the construction of a penrrm:ent structure <br />for tlae F3illsbormrgh Farmers rYtarket). <br />Other efforts include plans to explore the feasibility of a regional vnkre-added <br />pr°ocessing center and afar°m ine:abator° progr•an:- A newly for°med coalition is <br />looking at potential programs to help immigrants move into farming. And the <br />county continues its statewide leadership in purchasing conservation easements. <br />C) Enhance historic character by supporting organizations' efforts to preserve <br />and promote historic structures <br />Orange County is providing leadership irr terms ojpreser-ving historic str-uctttres <br />on its recently pur°chased properties such as Little River° Pmdc, Blaektivood Fm•nt, <br />Tx~in Creeks, and the Julia Blackx~ood property. Private entities are involved as <br />well, such as the Bellevue Mill, xJrich is being proposed as a residential <br />redevelopment project. <br />D) Provide life-long learning opportunities (early childhood-senior citizen) <br />Efforts in this area will be under°taken in coordination with the Workforce <br />Development Wor•kgroup in firtta-e years, <br />~ Welcome and promote greater inclusiveness and diversity <br />Member s of the workgr•oup help plan and prodzrce connntmity-building events <br />such as the County Parlrs and Recreation Cool Jazz Festival and the annual <br />Convauurity Dinner°. OtTters are working with Arts Advocates to cr°eate a non- <br />profit art gallery in Carrboro and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Charatber° of <br />Commerce Minority Business Council. <br />G) Promote hipness by focusing on the uniqueness of each municipality and the <br />county as a whole <br />The wor°kgroup has focused on developing a cornnuazity of events portal to <br />highlight cultur°al, connnunity, ar°tistia, and other° events, maintained by the <br />Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau. The Visitw•s Bureau also helps <br />pr°omote the nurner°ous festivals and tourism trails. The Or-mrge Cornrty Arts <br />Commission assists with increased fiv:ding for grass roots arts activities. On the <br />r°ecr•eational front, the County's Environment and Resource Consen~atiort <br />Department is working with torus on linking greenways and trails tlu•oughout the <br />county. Finally, public private partnerships have been formed to errcour•age the <br />development of venues that promote it for rnal interaction and exchange, for <br />exmnple the plan for° public gathering spaces in the downtown Chapel Hill <br />redevelopment efforts, <br />