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3 <br />Transportation continues to be the critical component. Mr. Passmore continued that a <br />meeting to finalize the equipment and furnishing purchases is schedule for Friday. <br />Triangle Office Equipment is the vendor. <br /> <br />Mr. Passmore distributed an Master Aging Plan objective statement on the food service <br />initiative at the Seymour Center and briefed the Board members on the meetings held to <br />date. He stated that meals will continue to be purchased by JOCCA from the current <br />caterer until June 30, 2009. Leo Allison asked about the source of funding for the kitchen <br />operation and was told that resources currently received by JOCCA will be redirected to <br />the Department on Aging. Jerry Kruter recommended clarifying the objective statement <br />by inserting the word “lunch”. When Ann Johnson suggested involving someone <br />currently in meal preparation, Mr. Passmore responded that Triangle J graduate student <br />intern and professional chef, Sam Thompson, has been deeply involved in the work team. <br />The Vice-Chair asked for volunteers to serve on the Food Service Innovations <br />Committee. Steve Lackey informed the Board that he had already been appointed to <br />represent the Friends of Seymour. Jerry Kruter volunteered to represent the Advisory <br />Board on the Innovations Committee that will be convened in early 2009. Haryo <br />Marsosudiro also offered to serve. Mr. Passmore suggested Don Wilhoit as another <br />Committee member. Peggy Cohn added that representation from the JOCCA meals <br />program participants should also be involved. <br /> <br />The Vice-Chair noted that Mr. Marsisudiro has expressed interest in being appointed to <br />the Advisory Board, representing the Town of Hillsborough. Peggy Cohn made a motion <br />that he be recommended to the Board of Commissioners for appointment. Jerry Kruter <br />provided the second. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Jerry Passmore distributed summaries of the MAP Annual Report for 2007-08 and <br />Priorities for 2008-09. These documents will be reviewed at the December meeting. <br /> <br />Ann Johnson presented a summary of the history and activities of the Senior Tar Heel <br />Legislature, established by the State General Assembly in 1993. She distributed Fact <br />Sheets containing its legislative priorities for 2007 and 2009, noting that in recent years <br />the STHL limits itself to five issues annually. She reviewed the history of the Older <br />Americans Act, first enacted in 1965. She also described the process that the STHL uses <br />in choosing issues to advocate to the State Legislature. <br /> <br />Mr. Passmore added that advocacy is also a goal in the Master Aging Plan Update. He <br />recommended that Ms. Johnson head a legislative workgroup to identify issues and <br />recommend solutions to the Board of County Commissioners. The Senior Tar Heel <br />Legislative Priorities will be among the documents reviewed to form these <br />recommendations. A legislative forum, moderated by Commissioner Alice Gordon, will <br />be held on February 23 to educate the community about current aging issues. Peggy <br />Cohn moved the creation of a legislative workgroup and Steve Lackey provided the <br />second. Motion carried. Jerry Passmore will submit a list of potential workgroup <br />members, including older adults, Board representatives, and other interested parties, who <br />will be appointed by the new Advisory Board Chair. The group will be convened in