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Mr. Passmore informed the Board that MAP Steering Committee Co-Chair Pat Spriggs <br />gave a status report to the Commissioners at their May 4 meeting. The BOCC endorsed <br />the direction that the planning process was taking. They were particularly interested in <br />the issue of property tax relief for seniors. They directed staff to investigate the four NC <br />counties that are already doing something with this issue and compile a report. They <br />expressed interest in having seniors involved in this research. The BOCC was also very <br />interested in the changes taking place at UNC Hospitals as a result of funding cutbacks. <br />County Manager John Link had suggested that Florence Soltys be invited to address the <br />Board at a future meeting on this subject. <br /> <br />Jerry Passmore announced that the Southern Orange Senior Center is still slated for <br />December completion. The next issue to be resolved are the staffing for the new centers <br />for night and weekend operations and the furnishing. He stated that he hoped to have a <br />meeting with the County Manager next month on these subjects. He also stated that the <br />Central Orange Design Committee will meet next Tuesday. Bids should be issued next <br />Fall, with completion likely planned for Spring, 2007. <br /> <br />The Chair referenced the presentation that a 55+ community made at the March Aging <br />Board meeting. Representatives from that group have contacted him and others about the <br />Town of Hillsborough’s current moratorium on new proposals. The consensus was that <br />this was not an issue for this body <br /> <br />Jerry Kruter agreed to be nominated for a second term on the Aging Board. Mildred <br />Council and Mariah Mc Pherson are completing their second terms and are not eligible <br />for reappointment. Ms. McPherson suggested that retiring Orange County School Board <br />member Delores Simpson might be a good candidate for consideration. <br /> <br />Jerry Passmore summarized the Department on Aging’s budget proposal currently being <br />reviewed by the Manager. The proposal does not include any of the requests for the new <br />centers’ staffing or furnishings. It does include funds for the Senior Times. The <br />recommendation from Mr. Link was to research other options for producing this <br />publication. Fred Schroeder commented that the cost did not sound outlandish for 25,000 <br />copies of the paper printed every other month and 5,000 copies mailed directly to seniors’ <br />homes. He offered a motion that the Aging Board endorse continued support by Orange <br />County of the Senior Times, either as an independent newspaper or part of a larger <br />publication. Jerry Kruter provided a second. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Mr. Passmore reported that the County Manager supported the increase to full-time of the <br />part-time Eldercare social worker and temporary personnel for bookkeeping help. He <br />cited that counseling has increased 46% and 1,400 home visits had been made in the last <br />fiscal year. A question was raised about implementing a sliding fee for counseling <br />service or billing Medicare for the service. The consensus was that privatizing a <br />component of the counseling service should be further investigated. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 2 of 3 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />