Orange County NC Website
SECTION 2This local goven-onent will participate in NCHIP Cfl'CCtiVC July 1, 2018, only <br />ifthe following conditions are satisfied no later than May 31, 201 f . <br />(A) NC 111 is properly fomed under the laws of the State of North Carolina and the <br />provisions of the Local Government Risk Poo�l, Act and a board oltrustees <br />meeting the rCC]L1hVn1CntS of N,(,.(). S, § 58-23-10 is properly empaneled. <br />(13) The board oftrustees of NC HIP adopts bylaws and/or a form of agreement or <br />contract that meets the, requimnilents; ol'N.C.G.S, § 58-23-15 and other applicable <br />provisions ofthe I,ocal Goverrinlent Risk Pool Act. <br />(C) 'File N'(-',f IIP risk. pool inclUides comnaittrients for participation on July 1, 2018, <br />From local governments that tog ether. 'will consist of no fewer than two thousand <br />five hundred (2,500) lives in the risk pool. <br />The ter-n-ts and conditions ol'inembership in N(11,111) will fie such terms and conditions as are <br />fimposed by the board of trustees of W.1,111111 in the acceptance motion, and the contractual <br />obligations under the terms of the contract and by-laws ol'1 (1TIIP as such doCUrftent is adopted <br />by the board o,*trustees ofNCHIP and as it may be amended in accordance with its terms. <br />SECTION-3 If, can May 31, 2018, all of the conditions identified herein are satisfied, <br />then, in accordance with N.C,GS. § 58-23-5(e), County Manager of this; local government, or <br />such other officer, as shall be authorized, is directed to give notice (or cause notice taa be given) <br />to the North Carolina Commissioner 01111SUrance no later than June 1, 2,018, in a form prescribed <br />by the Commissioner that this local governiment intends to participate in N(,'[,IIP as Ot',JLIIY I, <br />2018�. <br />SEC'FION 4 If, on May 31, 2018, all of(he conditions identified herein are satisfied, <br />then, the COUnty Manager cal, this local, government, or such other officer, as shal I be authorized, <br />W <br />