Orange County NC Website
6i <br />Military 1,eavc and Earning Stateinent (LES): Is a document it an a inonthly basis <br />to menibers of the United States military which reports their pay, home of record and <br />service SWUS. The I,ES is required when applying for exemption from Motor Vehicle <br />Property Taxes, Active duty, non resident military personnel rnay be exempt 1roin North <br />Carolina motor vehicle property tax as allowed by United States Code, Title 50, <br />Servicenienibers' Civil Relief Act of 1940� (Amended in 2009 by he Military Spouse's <br />Residency f(elief Act) <br />'titles and Brands: Section 1, Chapter 7 <br />NCDM'-V "ritie Manual 14" Edition Revised January 20 [6 <br />Title: Document that records the ownership of'vehiclas and the liens against them. <br />('.'ustotn-Built: A. vehicle that is completely reconstructed or assembled frOrn new or used <br />Darts, Will be branded "Specially Constructed Vehicle" <br />Flood Vehicles: A motor vehicle that has been submerged or practically SUbmerged in <br />water to the extent that damage to the body, engine, transmission or dil"ferential has <br />occurred, <br />Reconstructed Vehicles: A motor vehicle required to be registered that has been <br />materially altered from original construction due to the removal addition or substitution <br />of esseritialpails. <br />Salvaged Motor Vehicles: Is a vehicle that has been darnaged by collision or other <br />occurrence to the extent that the cost of repairs exceeds 75% of fair niarkct value, <br />whether or not the motor vehicle has been declared a total loss by an insurer, Repairs <br />shall include the cost of parts and labor, or a vehicle for which an insurance company has <br />paid a, claini that, exceeds 75% of the Fair Market Value, If the salvaged vehicle is six <br />rnodel years old or newer, ,in Anti-Theft hispecti(m by the 1-,icense and Theft Bureau is <br />required, <br />Salvage Rebuilt Vehicle: A salvaged vehicle that has been rebuilt for title and <br />registration. <br />Junk Vehicle: A motor vehicles which is incapable of operation or use upon the highways <br />and has no resale value except as scrap or parts. Tfie vehicle shall not be titled, <br />Antique Vehicle:, A motor vehicle manufactured in 1 O and prior <br />Commercial Trucking (111,11): The International Registration Plan is a registration <br />reciprocity agreement among jurisdictions in the US and Canada which provides for <br />payrnent of license fee On the basis of fleet miles operated in various jurisdictions. <br />Total Loss: Repairs were more than the market value of the vehicle and the iiisurance <br />company is anwilling to pay for the repairs, <br />Total 1,oss/Rebuilt. Whatever the repairs were to make the vehicle road worthy after a <br />Total J.,oss status has been given. Vehicle must be 5 years old or older, Vehicle status <br />then reMains as salvaged or rebuilt, <br />Certificate of Destruction: NC DMV will not register this type of vehicle, It is not fit <br />for North Carolina roads. <br />