Orange County NC Website
WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners have received information that <br />indicates that the manufacturers and wholesale distributors of controlled SUlbstances, have <br />distributed in Orange County, North, Carolina, and surrounding areas, and may have violated <br />Federal and/or State laws and regulations that were enacted to prevent the diversion of legally <br />produced controlled substances into the illicit rnarket, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED based on information: a,nd documentation received by <br />County Officials and Staff and data on opioid use and abuse in Orange County, including but not <br />limited to Exhibits 1-3 attached hereto, the Orange County Board of Commissioners hereby <br />declare the opioid crisis a public nuisance which must be abated for the benefit of Orange <br />County and its residents and citizens. <br />Adopted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners this 6th day of February, 201.8,. <br />M <br />Mark Doros(In, Ch'air <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Uffim <br />Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board <br />