Orange County NC Website
Req u est for Ap p roval of <br />Proiperty Tax Exemption, Excluslon or Deferral <br />Due to Showing of Good CaLlSe for Failure to Make a'Tirnely Application <br />Date: <br />C) <br />,ra wiiom it may Concern: <br />1, (PRINT <br />Nvish to be considered far Property Tax Exemption, Exclusion or Deferral for the tax year_, <br />on Tax Abstract or Parcel Identification Number(s) (PIN) # <br />In a ecordan ce with North Ca rolin a General Statute 105-282, 1(al), 1, submit the reasons) set forth below for <br />consideration as demonstration of good cause for failure to make a timely application. An untimely <br />application approved under G& 105-282.1 (at) applies only to the property taxes levied by the county or <br />Inunicip2lity in the calendar year in which the untimely application is filed, If additional space for <br />explanation is -needed, please submit an attachment with this request. <br />A e , <br />How did you find out aboutthe progran'10)? '-'L , u <br />Thallh <br />ur <br />gnate) <br />t 1, <br />