Orange County NC Website
FILED 5 <br />DEC 2 �0, 2017 <br />ORANGECOUNI'Y <br />TAX ADMINL�TRX11ON <br />All <br />Req u e:st fo r A p pro val of <br />Property Tax Exemption, EXGIUSiOni or: Deferral <br />Due to Showing of Go■ d'Cause for Failure to Make a Timely Application <br />Date: <br />To Wimn Tf May Concern: <br />Nvish to be cousideredfor Propefty Tax, <br />r� <br />tiou, Exclusion or )Deferral for the tax yea <br />on "a Abstract or Parcel .dent ification Number(s) O?1N) ff <br />i, <br />In accardaxwe'Mfli North Carolina General Statute. 105- 282,1(a ), I submit the reason(s) set forth 'below for <br />consider as a monstraflon of good cause for, fallure to make a timely application. An aviti'mely <br />application approvLd under G. S. 105-282.1 (81),`1PPHeS Only to the Property taxes levied by the county or <br />inuideipality in the calendar year in wMch tLe untimely application Uffied, Ifadditional space for <br />VXplaMt-10u, is iaeeded, please submit an aff acturfteut wit1,1 t1lis request. <br />How did you fmd out about the pxoprara(s)'i V <br />'Thank you, <br />