Orange County NC Website
Exhibit A <br />BEGINNING at an iron stake in the West property line of Carr Street, the Southeast comer of <br />Lot No 23 which point is established by measuring 50 feet from the Southwestern intersection of <br />Carr and Fowler Streets; running thence along the line of the said Lot South 86 45' 00" West 150 <br />Feet to an iron stake; running thence South 3 31' 46" East 50 Feet to an iron stake; running <br />thence North 86 45' 00" East 150 feet to an iron stake in the West property line of Carr Street; <br />running thence along the West property line of Carr Street North 2 31' 46" West 50 :Feet to the <br />BEGINNING being Lot 21 of BLOCK C of the HERBERT LLOYD Lands according to a <br />survey of Joyner Surveying/Mapping Co dated August 11, 1995, entitled Survey for PREVEXH. <br />FOUSHEE HEIRS, and being the same land conveyed to Prevex Foushee and Wife, Cora C <br />Foushee by Jeff Foushee and wife, Ella Mae Foushee, dated January 29, 1957 and recorded in <br />Hook 161, at Page 344 in the Orange County Registry <br />TM# 7 93.G.2 <br />PIN # 9778 -97 -6220 <br />