Agenda - 02-06-2018 5-a - Class A Special Use Permit – Solar Array off US Highway 70 in Cheeks Township
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 02-06-2018 Regular Meeting
Agenda - 02-06-2018 5-a - Class A Special Use Permit – Solar Array off US Highway 70 in Cheeks Township
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2/2/2018 11:01:01 AM
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23 <br />The access Is adequate for the proposed Luse and emergency services. The site will be mafntalned <br />periodically and through scheduled maintenance and fandscaping perforated as netessary. Parking <br />spaces will be avallable for niafntenance on site. <br />Sall er -51on and sedirmentatlnn w111 be Mltlgated prior constructlon. During construction, erosion <br />control measures will be taken as required in accordance with the County regulations. The solar array- <br />public utllfty will comply with COUnty storm water regulations. All environmental buffers will also be In <br />tomplfance. <br />D. Tile use will alataln and enhance the value o _cc�ntf u,aus_pr� ert. unless t s use Is a pub lc <br />e ces s1tv. I n Wh lch case the use need not I ntoin or e c the value of anti uo s pro arty. <br />The site for the solar array Is hidden front the neighboring residences and the roadway. The nearest <br />residence Is 410' from the site. rho site has significant natural trues, shrubs and other vegetation, The <br />ue,getetion surrounding the site will be left undisturbed to provdde a natural buffer. The solar fartn- <br />public utility will meet the requirements of a Type D evergreen landscape buffer Intended to obstruct <br />views of the solar farm and preserve the appearance of the area. The solar farm produces no harmful <br />etnfsslons, no noise, and requlres no llghting, An hidependent study has Keen performed by an <br />appraiser that Indicates that the contiguous pro,piMles wlII r'naintaIn their value wit the Insta [fat Ion of a <br />Solar Array. The solar faun will Increase the tax base of the County w1thout adding any burdens c <br />existing lrefrastructuresuch as schools, water, and /or waste systems. Furthermore, the Solar Array <br />Installation has recelved a Certificate of public Convenience and Necessity from the ttilorth Carvllna <br />Utiil tie s Corn wI'sslon on February 2, 2035. <br />C. The location and character pf 14a use, If developed accord[ to the igian I-OmIttud, will he In <br />armony with the area In which t s to P I ocated and Jbfi use is In corn fence with t t+ Plan for tha <br />physic-all davelooment of tha County as embodied Irs tense regplatlartis or In t e Comprehensive Plan, <br />or P orlon tinerso ado . d la the t#oard ca ficrunt Cannrrolsslanars, <br />Throughout the Orange County Lanni Use Plan references are made to the County's desire to encourage <br />locally- generated alternative energy resources and to prornote alternative and s�istalnable Fuels. The <br />Greenhouse bas Emission Inventio ry and Heductlon Action Plan Initlated by Orange County In 2006 <br />suggested that private alternative energy produttlon be encourged In the County, The Grange County <br />Comprehensive Plan designates Ibis as a ]D Year Transrd'ov a'r'ea. Allowing the subject property to <br />develop as a solar array- pubilc utility provides an opporturilty for locally generated energy resources in <br />Orange County and creates Income for the property owners acrd tax base for the County, <br />The Installation will he 61 harmony and malntaln fhie character of the area. The majority of the <br />surrounding propextles are Rural Resfdentfal with the abutting property to the south Existing <br />commerd ail, The Solar Farm Is a low Intensity use which will, not disturb the existing wetiand areas acrd <br />streams end ponds on site. The Installatlon will mafntaln existing trees and shrubs on site as a natural <br />buffer which will be suppfernented as necessary to meet Type D buffer requirements, The Solar Array <br />presents no potential hazardous waste and the production of electricity Is virtually silent with any noise <br />from the Inverters dlssIpating to background levels at the fence line of the Solar Array. The traffic for <br />the use will ha Tess than that of a single famlly home, <br />
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