Orange County NC Website
MARK DOROSIN, CHAIR <br />PENNYRICH VICE CHAR <br />MIA BURROUGHS <br />BARRYJACOBS <br />MARK MARCOPLOS <br />EARL MCKEE <br />RENEE PRICE <br />January 31, 2018 <br />Dear Commissioners, <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Post Office Box 8181 <br />200 South Cameron Street <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />\6 �av <br />At the Board's January 23, 2018 regular meeting, Board petitions were brought forth which were <br />reviewed by the Chair/Vice Chair /Manager Agenda team. The petitions and responses are listed below: <br />1) Review and consider a request by Commissioner Marcoplos and supported by Commissioner <br />Jacobs that the county implement a "no idling" campaign. <br />Response: Referred to the Commission for the Environment for study and recommendations. <br />2) Review and consider a request by Commissioner Rich that the County contact and coordinate with <br />Carrboro to have the Visitor's Bureau sidewalks cleared of snow Andy Sachs of the Carrboro's <br />clearing activities. <br />Response: Manager to discuss with Carrboro Town Manager. <br />3) Review and consider a request by Commissioner Rich that staff provide an update to the Board on <br />N.C. General Assembly actions related to tiny homes and zoning. <br />Response: County Attorney to provide update to Board. <br />4) Review and consider a request by Commissioner Rich that the board receive an update on the <br />partners of Chapel Hill transit study and opportunities for the County to provide input on the 420 <br />route. <br />Response: Transit Director to pursue update for the Board and potential to provide 420 input. <br />5) Review and consider a request by Commissioner Price that the Board consider a resolution <br />regarding the proposed changes in the election/selection of N.C. judges. <br />Response: Commissioners Price and Jacobs to draft proposed resolution. <br />6) Review and consider a request by Commissioner Price that, considering all of the recent and court <br />opinions, staff develop a concerted plan to educate voters on voting districts, election days, etc. <br />Response: Staff to pursue options to educate the public via website, press releases, etc. <br />7) Review and consider a request by Commissioner Price that staff provide an update to the Board on <br />options to deal with junk vehicles and manufactured homes Andy Sachs nuisances and related <br />abatement scenarios. <br />Response: Staff to provide update. <br />8) Review and consider a request Commissioner Jacobs that the Board consider naming the new <br />County Campus for Bayard Rustin. <br />Response: Consideration to occur later this year pending County's possible purchase of property. <br />