Orange County NC Website
Goals and Objectives: <br />13 <br />Goals <br />Objectives <br />I. Protect Environment <br />A. Reduce mobile source emissions, GHG, and energy <br />and Minimize Climate <br />consumption <br />Change <br />B. Reduce the negative impacts on the natural and cultural <br />DCHC <br />environment <br />II. Connect People <br />A. Connect people to jobs, education and other important <br />$ <br />destinations using all modes <br />$ <br />B. Ensure transportation needs are met for all populations <br />$ <br />(especially the aging and youth, economically disadvantaged, <br />MPO <br />mobility impaired, and minorities) <br />III. Promote Multimodal <br />A. Enhance transit services, amenities and facilities <br />and Affordable Travel <br />B. Improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities <br />Choices <br />C. Increase utilization of affordable non -auto travel modes <br />IV. Manage Congestion & <br />A. Allow people and goods to move with minimal congestion and <br />System Reliability <br />time delay, and greater predictability. B. Promote Travel Demand <br />$ <br />Management (TDM, such as carpool, vanpool and park- and -ride) <br />$ <br />C. Enhance Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS, such as <br />$ <br />ramp metering, dynamic signal phasing and vehicle detection <br />$ <br />systems) <br />V. Improve Infrastructure <br />A. Increase proportion of highways and highway assets in 'Good' <br />Condition <br />condition <br />$ <br />B. Maintain transit vehicles, facilities and amenities in the best <br />$ <br />operating condition. <br />$ <br />C. Improve the condition of bicycle and pedestrian facilities and <br />Revenue <br />amenities <br />D. Improve response time to infrastructure repairs <br />VI. Ensure Equity and <br />A. Ensure that transportation investments do not create a <br />Participation <br />disproportionate burden for any community <br />B. Enhance public participation among all communities <br />VII. Promote Safety and <br />A. Increase safety of travelers and residents <br />Health <br />B. Promote public health through transportation choices <br />VIII. <br />A. Improve freight movement <br />Stimulate Economic <br />B. Link land use and transportation <br />Vitality <br />C. Target funding to the most cost - effective solutions <br />Transit <br />D. Improve project delivery for all modes <br />Financially Constrained: (In Millions $) <br />Costs <br />TIP /'18 -'25 <br />'26 -'35 <br />'36 -'45 <br />Total <br />DCHC <br />Highway <br />$ <br />1,542 <br />$ <br />2,892 <br />$ <br />3,083 <br />$ <br />7,517 <br />MPO <br />Transit <br />$ <br />1,742 <br />$ <br />1,758 <br />$ <br />1,233 <br />$ <br />4,733 <br />CAMPO <br />Highway <br />$ <br />6,046 <br />$ <br />9,842 <br />$ <br />8,973 <br />$ <br />24,861 <br />Transit <br />$ <br />2,099 <br />$ <br />1,725 <br />$ <br />2,760 <br />$ <br />6,584 <br />Revenue <br />DCHC <br />Highway <br />$ <br />1,714 <br />$ <br />2,933 <br />$ <br />3,083 <br />$ <br />7,730 <br />MPO <br />Transit <br />$ <br />1,742 <br />$ <br />1,785 <br />$ <br />1,233 <br />$ <br />4,760 <br />CAMPO <br />Highway <br />$ <br />6,348 <br />$ <br />10,167 <br />$ <br />11,229 <br />$ <br />27,744 <br />Transit <br />$ <br />2,099 <br />$ <br />1,725 <br />$ <br />2,760 <br />$ <br />6,584 <br />Balance <br />$ <br />- <br />$ <br />- <br />$ <br />- <br />$ <br />- <br />