Orange County NC Website
7 <br />New Developments <br />• Growing spay and neuter in the County: Thanks to a grant of $16,500 from the <br />Margo T. Petrie Foundation, we have been able to make free spay and neuter <br />services available to more county residents than ever before. They are now available <br />to residents with a household income of up to 400 percent of the Federal Poverty <br />level rather than only 200 percent as well as residents who receive public assistance. <br />• Working (Barn) Cat Program: With a $5,000 grant from the Triad Foundation made <br />via Friends of Orange County Animal Services, we launched the Working (Barn) Cat <br />program as part of a broader effort to more humanely manage free - roaming cats. <br />This program helps county residents have working cats spayed or neutered, <br />vaccinated, licensed and microchippped at no charge. <br />a . <br />