Orange County NC Website
OR <br />Guaranteed financially through a letter of credit, escrow agreement, or <br />bond submitted to secure required landscape installation and <br />preservation. An estimate of the cost for required preservation, plantings <br />and their installation must be provided. The financial guarantee shall <br />reflect 110 percent of the estimate and be issued by an accredited <br />financial institution licensed to do business in North Carolina.. <br />Provisions for protection of existing trees as shown on the approved <br />landscape plan shall be included in a document describing development <br />restrictions and requirements to be prepared by Planning Staff and <br />recorded concurrently with the Final Plat. No clear cutting on individual lots <br />per section IV-B-8-c of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations is <br />permitted. <br />2, A Type A Land Use Buffer shall be provided along Hatch Road, The buffer <br />shall be 30 feet in width along Hatch Road and shall be composed of <br />deciduous and/or evergreen vegetation, forming semi-opaque intermittent <br />visual obstructions from the ground to a height of at least thirty (30) feet. <br />Said buffer shall be so noted on the plat, and described in a document <br />describing development restrictions and requirements to be prepared by <br />Planning Staff and recorded concurrently with the Final Plat. <br />D. Drainage <br />1. Locate drainage easements on the final plat as required following review <br />and approval of the Erosion Control Plan. <br />2. Drainage culverts shall be sized and located as required by NCDOT and a <br />North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer, <br />E. Parkland <br />1. The southern portion of the open space property shall be shown on the <br />final plat and dedicated by deed to Orange County far recreation and open <br />space, The dedication is approximately 4.5 acres as follows: <br />a) a 200-foot-wide strip located parallel to a 770-foot section of Phil's <br />Creek that helps to form the southeastern property boundary, and <br />b) a 200-foot-wide strip located parallel to a 150-foot section of Phil's <br />Creek that helps to farm the southwestern property boundary. <br />2. The second paragraph of Section IV-B-7-b of the Orange County <br />Subdivision Regulations references the required minimum recreation <br />space ratio in the Orange County Zoning Ordinance, Article 5.1.1, which <br />requires 0.028 square feet of recreation space per land area dedicated to <br />residential use [0,028 ~ 130.08= 3.64 acres or 158,655 square feet]. In <br />those cases where the required minimum recreation space results in a <br />larger amount than the public recreation space requirement of 1/57 acre <br />