Agenda - 08-22-2006-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-22-2006
Agenda - 08-22-2006-9c
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8/29/2008 4:27:55 PM
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8/29/2008 9:40:22 AM
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Board of County Commissioners Proposal e <br />Revised August 3, 2006 <br />2. The owner/applicant shall provide private recreational open space as specified in Section <br />IV-B-7-b of the County Subdivision Regulations and in Article 5..1.1 in the Zoning <br />Ordinance., The owner/applicant has set aside 21.28 acres as open space, within which an <br />approximately 4,600 linear-feet long footpath (hereafter the "footpath") will be <br />constructed. The HOA shall maintain the Pedestrian Open Space Areas (hereafter the <br />"POSA's"), footpath and open space area. <br />3. The HOA shall obtain an approved NCDOT encroachment agreement for the footpath <br />that falls within the Orchard Trail right-of--way before construction. <br />4. No activities are allowed in prescribed open space, except recreational facilities. <br />5. Except for construction of the footpath and stonnwater improvements, all areas in <br />reserved open space shall remain in their natural condition.. <br />F. Miscellaneous <br />1. The Final Plat shall contain a title block and vicinity reap according to standards found in <br />Section V-D-2 and V-D-.3 of the County Subdivision Regulations. <br />2. The Final Plat shall reflect the drainage easements as required in D.1 above. <br />3, The owner/applicant shall convey all open space into the HOA. <br />4, Before installation of lighting within the subdivision, the owner/applicant shall submit a <br />lighting plan to the Planning Department for review and approval. <br />5. The Planning and Solid Waste Departments shall review and approve a plan for the <br />collection and proper disposal of all tree stumps and fallen logs before the Final Plat <br />approval. <br />6. The owner/applicant shall note impervious cover square footage limits for each lot on the <br />Final Plat. <br />7. Clean wood waste, scrap meta], and corrugated cardboard, must be recycled, <br />8. All haulers of construction waste shall have proper licensing. <br />9. Before any on-site construction activity, the owner/applicant shall hold apre-construction <br />conference with the County Solid Waste staff: This may be the same meeting held with <br />other development officials, <br />10. Before installation of a subdivision sign, County Planning shall review and approve a site <br />plan and construction drawings. <br />11. The owner/applicant shall instal] a water withdrawal system for emergency fire <br />suppression in Moore Pond (a private pond) off of Deerfield Trail with signage <br />acceptable to the Orange County Fire Marshal. <br />12. The owner shall file, with the Planning Department and record with the Final Plat, a <br />declaration of covenants and restrictions, articles of incorporation, where required, and/or <br />by-laws, atl as approved by the County Attorney, that will govern the maintenance and <br />control of the improvements as set forth in Article IIT-E of the Orange County <br />Subdivision Regulations. Said documents shall provide for ownership of Open Space by <br />the HOA, and the dedication of easements to the HOA to access in-lot POSA's, drainage <br />easements and buffers, for maintenance. <br />13. The maximum imperviousness surface coverage that may be allocated to the individual <br />lots shall be 107,263 square feet. This figure is exclusive of Orchard Lane right-of--way. <br />G. Certifications <br />1. The owner/applicant shall have notarized on the face of the Final Plat a Certificate of <br />Survey and Accuracy signed by a Professional Land Surveyor. <br />
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