Orange County NC Website
i <br />_ x -cation end width of alleys, } } <br />' x total acreage of the acreage of -----J lar,,.aiks, bike lanes, transit <br />--"""" '"-- lots, Iriduding, and excluding area wlfhin systems, and bus stops <br />x typical sfteet crosssectlons and <br />i - rights-of•+~ay __._ _._- <br />x control corner Intersection details iriduding design <br />i ~_ -- and width of fraveiway and <br />shoulders <br />ti x horizontal alignment, centerline <br />X ~ ---_ __._.... <br />_ proposed lottlnes with dimensions radius, and general curve data on al <br />X lot & block numbers _ _ ,,. proposed streets <br />tTt. -- phasing line(s) X _ permanent features such as <br />x v~+~ topography at ten (10) foot intervals ~---' "'- buildings, cametories, historic • <br />x ~ wafer bodies, streams, floodways and landmarks <br />floodplains x __ adjoining lot layout names of <br />x stream 6uffars adjoining property owners, ii <br />_--- subdivided, subdivision plat name, <br />g _- location and slza.of parcels dedicated for plat book & page number, and <br />public use, recrea u`nosa n tad served X perimeter let numbers. <br />in common, with p p location and size of lots of restricted - <br />w<„:...~ impervious surface data (if located in -- '-"-'- development potential and notatlon <br />watersupplywatershed) X on plat regarding same <br />• x ~_ stormwater detention andlor <br />vldNtir map showing general location of ---- ratantlon sites and undisturbed <br />'-"- ~ aubdivlslon with streets and roads areas for Inflitratlon purposes (if <br />idanfifled by state Road number and located to water supply watershed} <br />name <br />X landscaping and buffer requirements ~ __ identlfled natural areas and wildlife <br />tin ,__, township, wrporata and oxtruterritorial ~•-- condors <br />plannin0 )urisdlctlon tines which cross <br />the property <br />!, C OTHER SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: <br />t. Twenty-flea (25) copies of the Preliminary Piat arcels involved clearly marked). <br />2. One full size copy of an Orange County Tax Map (with tax p <br />3. yyhere municipal or OWASA sewer Is not available, a copy of the P2liminary Plat indicating Health Department <br />approvalldenlai for each tot show thereon. hcant or hislhar authorized representative which <br />4. Where a private road is proposed, a wriften statement by the app' <br />sets for the justlflwtion fora private reaared In accordance wi4h Section VI ofthis Ordinance whi h assuretrons). <br />5. Auxillarydocumants, in draftform, P P <br />__ not be 14mited to4a prNaf "road maintenan e 9 arrant and articles ofnincorporation sad restrlcUVa covenants <br />„~~..-;.-~ 6e required as necessa as evidence that the 0 <br />perfaining to a homeowners association. These documents may ry m\ h <br />ordinance requirements are being met <br />&. Fee - SSDD plus yS.OD par tat (one fee for Preliminary and Final Plat). <br />7. if the subdivision contains SO cots or m pearse following information shall ba submitted with the appllcatlon: <br />~i a. Number of years to buiidouf. 6 houses/year <br />b. Number of houses to be built during each year until bulidout <br />c. Average Price of houses Including lots for each year to bulldout SSOOx - itn$ <br />I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information mnfalned above, and in the supporting documents, is a factual representation \, <br />Ise Iication, the 02nge County Planning and InspectionbD necessary <br />I of tfia proposed development 1 acknowledge that by signing ih PP ec5ons of the subJed property as may <br />is authorized, pursuant to N,C. Gen. Slat. Section 753e-300, to make as many insp <br />. I b verify that the proposed Work outlined herein is consistent with the provisions of all applicable State and local laws, ordinances and <br />regulations. By signln8 this applieetion,l acknowledge and agree that inspectors, inning officers, erosion control officers, and o er <br />on resentafion of proper credentials, lo~enter the <br />i staff of the Qrange County Planning & InspecPohrps DeperfinePnt have a right, up P d•' ~~ ~J~ ' b4 ~~~~~ <br />II subject property at any reasonable hour for the u uses of Ins ectlon or they en r errant action. ir',r115/',V't~i <br />f ~~~, . Z I- d L <br />Zl ~ 06 ~U-^"'" ~ DATE <br />' . DATE OWNER'S SIGNATURE <br />F,~ ~...n_r ... .+t <br />~ PLJCANT's SIGNATURE <br />Y <br />~-b o~ <br />- ~: "Data Pa ,, ~e~p <br />:.. <br />FEEP• Amount :. •. - . <br />...,_ _..csa?:•,;~• ,F,~-.~w.,-c. ~. , , .. is . <br />