Orange County NC Website
<br />Prior to the time that the report is presented to the BOCC, a priority of the Department and the <br />Social Services Board is to provide child care assistance, to the extent possible, to as many <br />families as possible and reduce the waiting list. One option for addressing that priority is to <br />reallocate $100,000 from the County's 2006-07 Medicaid appropriation to assist these families. <br />Actions taken by the General Assembly this year (enacted after the County s budget was <br />adopted) provide cone-time "Medicaid Relief' to counties. In essence, the "Relief' caps all <br />County costs at the fiscal year 2005-06 expenditure level. Far Orange County, this amount <br />totals $3,765,997 compared to the $4,024,800 included in the approved 2006-07 budget with <br />the difference being $258,803. The DSS Board requests that Commissioners reallocate <br />$100,000 of the $258,803 to provide additional child care assistance to families in need. <br />There are a few concerns about the Medicaid Relief provision. <br />• While the State plans to pick up projected costs in Medicaid, the General <br />Assembly capped the amount that the State will pay at $27.4 million. Should <br />statewide Medicaid spending during the current fiscal year grow beyond the <br />increase projected by the State ($27.4 million), individual counties will have to pick <br />up those excess costs and may ultimately have to spend more than its prior year <br />expenditure. <br />• The other caution to note is that the relief was funded with nonrecurring funds in <br />the current year meaning that there is no promise that relief funding would <br />continue beyond the current 2006-07 fiscal year. The General Assembly has <br />agreed to a legislative study commission to examine alternatives to eliminate <br />county financial participation in Medicaid services in future years. <br />With General Assembly action this session, counties are required, for the first time in recent <br />history, to match, at the rate of 15 percent, any daycare funding reallocations that the State may <br />award during the year. Since this is a new requirement, the County's budget did not include <br />monies to fund this new mandate. As a point of reference, the County received daycare <br />reallocations totaling $250,675 in fiscal year 2005-06. Had the 15 percent match requirement <br />been in place in that timeframe, the cost to the County would have been $37,600. As proposed, <br />the reallocation of $100,000 would therefore serve as Orange County's match should the State <br />reallocate daycare assistance funds.. <br />The requested funds would allow Social Services to serve an additional twenty-one children far <br />a full year. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: As outlined in the Background section. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />accept the proposal from the Social Services Board and approve the reallocation of $100,000 <br />from the Medicaid line item to the child care subsidy line item in the Social Services Budget. <br />