Orange County NC Website
000uGign <br />ECS will prepare one Phase I ESA Report for the subject property. A copy of the report will <br />forwarded electronically upon completion of the project, <br />If, during the performance of our scope of services, additional environmental issues are identifi <br />that are beyond the Scope of Services outlined within this proposal, ECS may contact Orange Coun <br />Asset Management to discuss the relevance and significance of the finding in order to determine <br />the finding merits additional assessment, inclusion in our final report, or a modification to our Sco <br />of Services and fee. <br />ECS personnel are responsible for their own personal safety, While on site, if ECS personnel cle <br />a condition unsafe and the performance of our scope of services cannot be completed, you will <br />notified of the unsafe condition. ECS *ersonnel will ni w I f h * h h e if services <br />result in additional fees. <br />of additional services selected by the client. Our fee is based on the chain of title, third party JA <br />search and property owner/contact information being provided by you or your agents. <br />Meetings requested by Orange County Asset Management beyond the Scope of Services outlined <br />above will be invoiced on a time and materials basis, Meetings after typical office hours (Monday <br />through Friday 8 am to 5 pm) will be invoiced at 1 .5 times the normal rate. <br />