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DocuSign Envelope ID: 535BB656- 53CF- 457A- 98B2- D73B9641501D XHIBIT A <br />PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />Department on Aging, Triangle J Council of Governments, The local Veteran's Affairs <br />Officer, Physician /Provider Offices, Civic Groups, Churches Senior Advisory Committees, <br />Social Media efforts and continued word of mouth through the community. <br />g) Describe the credentials of the program manager and other key staff. (Ex. Identify Program <br />Manager and credentials, describe training provided to volunteers, etc.) The credentials of <br />the Program Director and other key staff must hold at minimum, a Bachelors Degree <br />from an accredited University. The current Director has over twenty -five years of <br />experience working within the senior population. As the Director of the Florence Gray <br />Soltys Adult Day Health Program, the current director remains and has nine years of <br />experience in managing and operating the program. The support of other key staff is <br />pertinent to the continue success of operations which includes a program coordinator, <br />social worker, recreational therapist and healthcare coordinators in which this position <br />is held by registered nurses. <br />h) Describe the specific period over which the activities will be carried out and include an <br />implementation timeline. The activities carried out for providing funding for adult day <br />health services and continued program operations is ongoing and will continue through <br />the July 1, 2017 -June 30, 2018 fiscal year. The funding will help the continuation of <br />services for families in need of Adult Day Health programming and additional days as <br />needed along with program operations that would include but not limited to medical, <br />office and activity supplies, some food cost with am and pm snacks, training (i.e. staff <br />development on a quarterly basis and new staff orientation.) The services for the <br />participants would vary on each individual's need base. (i.e. one —two days per week, <br />short -term and /or long- term.) <br />i) Why is funding this program a good investment for the community? How does funding <br />this program add value to the community? (250 words OR LESS) This is a request to <br />continue with the funding support provided to the Florence Gray Soltys Adult Day Health <br />Program under the auspices of Senior Care of Orange County, Inc. Continuation of the <br />funding support remains a good and valued investment. This program originally started <br />by the County Department on Aging as a major Master Aging Plan funded initiative. <br />County and Town funds are critical for the continuation of this one of a kind program <br />that serves the severely frail elderly and adults with special needs in Orange County. <br />We have seen growth from residents of Chapel Hill and Carrboro needing Adult Day <br />Health services since 2014. The program expanded on February 4, 2009 as a <br />partnership with the county to continue to work towards meeting the goals of the Master <br />Aging Plan of Orange County. The request for funding from each participating <br />jurisdiction is a huge priority with helping to prolong and/or prevent institutionalization. <br />The value of this program helps to increase awareness of the need of services and <br />would allow the individual to age in place within their home and community as statistics <br />show that adults are living longer and healthier lives. This program will continue to <br />Page 16 of 26 <br />