2018-017-E Finance - Orange County Literacy Council performance agreement
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2018-017-E Finance - Orange County Literacy Council performance agreement
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7/23/2019 4:09:50 PM
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1/31/2018 8:25:15 AM
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R 2018-017 Finance - Orange County Literacy Council performance agreement
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DocuSign Envelope ID: DDOCF1362 -8EDD- 41357- ACF6- 9C98BO78AA95 XHIBIT A <br />PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />We will provide services to any interested adults living or working in Orange County. <br />Individuals select themselves into the program. Using nationally- accepted, <br />standardized tests, we pre -test potential students to determine their skill level and <br />post -test to measure progress. ESOL students who pre -test out of the program (too <br />high) can participate in conversation classes. For students who have tested out of <br />regular classes, we hold novels -based reading/ discussion classes designed to help <br />them transition to the reading requirements of a University class. <br />g) Describe the credentials of the program manager and other key staff.(Ex. Identify <br />Program Manager and credentials, describe training provided to volunteers, etc.) <br />The program is overseen by Alice Denson, Executive Director. She has more than <br />25 years experience working with nonprofits, with more than 12 years in adult <br />literacy. The program is managed by: <br />• Diana Daniel - Lorente (Adult Basic Education) — Diana has over five years <br />experience in adult education and holds a Masters in Adult Education. <br />• Heather Bucurel (English for Speakers of Other Languages) — Heather <br />served as an AmeriCorps with Orange Literacy before returning to graduate <br />school where she earned her M.A. in Teaching English as a Second <br />Language. She has over seven years of teaching experience. <br />Most tutoring is done by volunteers. However, we do use paid instructors in specific <br />cases, when it is required by a funding source, or when the hours are not conducive <br />to recruiting volunteers (such as those designed for workers during an overnight <br />shift). We hold classes and have pairs meet all over the county, including at Orange <br />County elementary schools, on UNC campus, at both the Chapel Hill and Orange <br />County (Main) Libraries and at our Carrboro office. <br />h) Describe the specific period over which the activities will be carried out and include <br />an implementation timeline. <br />We offer literacy services year- round. However, the number of classes and variety <br />of location is fewer during the summer months. In a typical year, <br />i) Why is funding this program a good investment for the community? How does <br />funding this program add value to the community? (250 words OR LESS) <br />Strong literacy skills are fundamental to getting and keeping a well - paying jobs <br />which in turn affects the ability to find adequate housing, secure healthcare and <br />develop the resources necessary to care for a family. <br />j) Describe what would happen if requested funding is not awarded at all or if a <br />reduced allocation is recommended. <br />If we were to receive reduced funding, we would need to scale back the services <br />that we can offer. <br />k) Include any other pertinent information. N/A <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/31/2017 10:54:56 AM Page 12 of 26 <br />
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