Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: AAB342A1- 84D6- 4FD9- BC12- 585C2F446C71 <br />and LP Fiscal Year Summary for Last 5 years to End of Quarter 6/30/17, and <br />current property schedule. <br />6. Proposal shall describe the Broker's access to any incumbent carriers or TPAs <br />listed within the documents provided and indicate whether Broker can access <br />those markets at competitive pricing. Please list at least three and up to five <br />carriers /TPAs for each line of business with whom your firm has a relationship <br />and with whom you have placed public entity business within the past two years. <br />Include any commission or other financial arrangement, including ownership or <br />investment interest you may have with the carriers and /or TPAs. <br />7. Proposals shall include an explanation of all the cost for which the County will be <br />responsible, broken down by year (Year 1, Year 2 renewal, Year 3 renewal). <br />Only fee based compensation will be considered. <br />V. Contract <br />The proposed contract is attached. Responses shall indicate whether the proposed <br />contract is satisfactory and, if not, what changes would be requested. All changes are <br />subject to review and approval of the County Attorney. After selection of the broker, <br />specific insurance requirements will be established. <br />VI. Process and Basis for Selection <br />Responses to this Request for Qualifications and Conceptual Proposal should be <br />returned no later than 5:00 PM on or before October 17, 2017, to the person and <br />place identified in Section I of this document. <br />A team of County staff will review the responses. The County reserves the right to <br />interview any or all firms. The County intends to seek contract services for a three -year <br />period of time, renewable at the County's option for the second and third year. The <br />County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for any reason whatsoever and <br />to not award a broker /consulting services contract at this time. <br />VII. General Requirements <br />1. Living Wage. Orange County is committed to providing its employees with a <br />living wage and encourages agencies it funds to pursue the same goal. A copy of <br />Orange County's Living Wage Contractor Policy is included. <br />2. HB786 imposes E- Verify requirements on contractors who enter into certain <br />contracts with state agencies and local governments. The legislation specifically <br />prohibits governmental units from entering into certain contracts "unless the <br />contractor and the contractor's subcontractors comply with the requirements of <br />Article 2 of Chapter 65 of the General Statues." (Article 2 of Chapter 65 <br />establishes North Carolina's E- Verify requirements for private employers.) It is <br />important to note that the verification requirement applies to subcontractors as <br />well as contractors. The new laws specifically prohibit governmental units from <br />entering into contracts with contractors who have not (or their subs have not) <br />complied with E- Verify requirements. Complete the attached affidavit, and <br />include it with your submittal. <br />