Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: AAB342A1- 84D6- 4FD9- BC12- 585C2F446C71 <br />one business day. <br />9. Broker shall keep written records of marketing efforts and shall make this <br />information available to the County upon request. <br />10. Broker shall design the carrier selection process with consultation of the Risk <br />Manager and in a manner that allows for input from a County interview panel. <br />Brokers' recommendations to purchase insurance shall take the findings of the <br />panel into consideration and shall be reported in writing and sufficiently detailed <br />to explain alternatives, rationale and support the recommended decision. <br />11. Broker shall have the capacity to contract services for one year with a 2 year <br />optional renewal, at the County's discretion, for a total contract term up to 3 <br />years. At the end of the three -year period, or earlier if annual renewal is not <br />executed, the County will use a competitive process to solicit broker services, if <br />such services are required at that time. <br />12. Broker shall provide a description of its commitment to transparency and provide <br />full disclosure of all fees, commissions, and income to be derived directly or <br />indirectly from services to the County. <br />13. In addition to insurance brokerage services, the County requires the availability <br />of the following services: <br />13.1 Risk Management consulting services specific to public entities in North <br />Carolina, including the ability to present on unfolding risk exposures and <br />remedies. <br />13.2 Loss Control Services consisting of reviewing underwriter's <br />recommendations and evaluating hazards facing Orange County, assistance <br />with regulatory compliance, safety and compliance training, and potential site <br />visits. <br />13.3 Claim Services to assist with auditing to be conducted up to a quarterly <br />basis, dispute resolution or coverage interpretation. <br />• reTEPTIMPTOMM, <br />When providing your proposal and business references, consideration should be given <br />to the following: Orange County is located on the edge of Research Triangle Park. With <br />more than 130,000 residents, Orange County includes historic Hillsborough, the County <br />seat; Chapel Hill, home of the University of North Carolina; and Carrboro and Mebane, <br />former railroad and mill towns. The County has approximately 1000 employees, 3,000 <br />volunteers and a General Fund Budget for 2017 of $219,656,033. Additional details <br />about the County can be located at . <br />1. All proposals shall be in writing. <br />2. Proposals shall include a statement that Broker meets each Qualification in <br />Section III. Details supporting qualifications may be included. <br />3. Proposals shall include information about the qualifications of the Primary Broker <br />and any team members intended for this contract. <br />4. Five business references are required, with at least 3 of the references being <br />comparably sized government or non - profit clients and at least one reference <br />should be of an account lost within the last 2 years. <br />5. Proposals shall include an assessment of the County's current program and a <br />proposed alternative, if necessary, without approaching the markets. To assist <br />you in your review attached is the County's current insurance declarations, WC <br />