Orange County NC Website
DocuSign <br />Project Schedule <br />We anticipate that the Phase I ESA can be completed within three weeks from authorization to <br />proceed provided that site access is granted promptly. We will proceed with the accepted services <br />upon receipt of written authorization. If this schedule does not meet your needs, please contact ECS <br />to discuss an expedited deadline. <br />If areas of the property cannot be observed due to inaccessibility or unsafe conditions beyond the <br />control of ECS, ECS will wait until such time either that the area is accessible or the unsafe conditions <br />are corrected. If ECS must make additional visits to the site, a change order will be provided for our <br />additional fees. <br />If other items are required because of unexpected field conditions encountered in our fieldwork, <br />or because of a request for additional services, they would be invoiced as an agreed -to lump sum <br />fee or in accordance with the ECS Fee Schedule (available upon request) in effect at the time of the <br />service. Before expanding our scope of service that increased our fee, you would be informed of our <br />intentions for both your review and authorization. <br />Conclusions and recommendations pertaining to environmental conditions at the subject site are <br />limited to the conditions observed and the materials sampled at the time this study will be <br />undertaken. The assessment is not intended to represent an exhaustive research of every potential <br />hazard or condition that may exist, nor does it claim to represent conditions or events that arise after <br />the assessment. <br />We have made the following assumptions in developing this proposal: <br />Prices presented herein are valid for 120 days from the date of this proposal. <br />One color electronic version (PDF format) of the report will be provided upon completion of <br />the project. If requested, ECS can provide hard copies for $100 /report. <br />Please note that ASTM standard indicates that regulatory agency files available for the <br />subject site or adjoining properties should be reviewed and failure to do so may result in <br />data gaps in our report. The lump sum fee offered for the Phase I ESA does not include <br />expanded reviews of regulatory files for the subject site and /or adjacent properties which <br />are not available electronically, or if the file information may not be reasonably ascertainable <br />within the project schedule. If the site and /or adjacent properties are identified on federal or <br />state regulatory lists, and if a file review is warranted, ECS will contact you. An additional fee <br />may be necessary depending on the location and volume of information pertaining to these <br />regulatory files. <br />If requested, ECS can provide reliance letters for our reports for an additional fee of $250.00 <br />per letter. Future reliance offered by ECS would be bound to the same contracted Terms & <br />Conditions of Service agreed to between Orange County Government and ECS. <br />Please complete the Proposal Acceptance page and return one copy to ECS to indicate acceptance <br />of this proposal and to initiate work on the above - referenced project. The Client's signature indicates <br />Page 3 <br />EN <br />