Orange County NC Website
aai� -qsq <br />baqPk <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />Department of <br />Agriculture & Consumer Services <br />$ 142,943 <br />Total Cooperative Appropriation <br />$ 85,766 60% <br />State <br />$ 57,177 40% <br />County <br />AGREEMENT FOR THE PROTECTION, DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT <br />OF FOREST LAND IN ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made under authority of "An act to authorize Counties to cooperate with <br />State in Forest Protection, Reforestation and promotion of Forest Management," Article 75 of <br />Chapter 106, G.S. 106 -895 through G.S. 106 -910, by Session Laws 2011 -145, s. 13.25(p), effective <br />July 1, 2011, and also under authority of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and <br />Consumer Services (hereinafter Called the Department), party of the first part, and the Board of <br />Commissioners of ORANGE COUNTY in the State of North Carolina (hereinafter called the <br />Board), party of the second part, witnesseth: <br />That WHEREAS the said Board, recognizing the need for active forest protection, development, <br />reforestation, management and improvement in ORANGE COUNTY, has accepted the offer of <br />the Department for cooperation in accomplishing this object: <br />Now THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the said <br />parties contract and agree to maintain a legally appointed and equipped Forest Ranger <br />organization in said county at the joint cost of the State and County, insofar as the joint funds <br />will permit, as follows: <br />Part I. THE DEPARTMENT AGREES: <br />1. To select, employ and appoint, after consultation with the Board, a County <br />Forester or County Forest Ranger for the purposes of controlling forest fires in said County; for <br />detecting and extinguishing fires that break out; for investigating the origin of forest, woodland <br />and field fires; for enforcing State forest fire laws; for taking such preventative measures, <br />educational and otherwise, as shall seem necessary to prevent forest fires; for developing and <br />improving the forests through reforestation promotion and practice of Forest Management <br />practices; and for protection from insects and diseases. <br />