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Travis Myren said yes. He referred to the contracted services on slide 3, where New <br />Destinations is the housing program. He said there is an on site program manager there to <br />insure bills are paid and utilities current. <br />Rick Bruton from Cardinal Innovation said rates have been renegotiated with the existing <br />provider, who will now remain and continue to provide services. <br />Chair Dorosin asked if the enhanced rate means that Cardinal Innovations is going to <br />pay providers more in order to keep the facilities open. <br />Rick Bruton said yes. <br />Chair Dorosin referred to the first slide - contracted services - where there are two <br />Department of Social Services (DSS) line items at the bottom. He asked if these services are <br />paid to DSS and then contracted out, or if these services are in- house. <br />Travis Myren said these are contracted providers through Cardinal Innovations, but <br />serving DSS clients. <br />Nancy Coston, DSS Director, said these services may or may be contracted through <br />Cardinal Innovations. She said the goal is to find the best fit to provide these needed services, <br />and it is still a work in progress. <br />Commissioner Price asked if there could be clarification provided regarding allocation <br />from the University of North Carolina (UNC). <br />Travis Myren said those were funds that were going to the hospital for services provided <br />in the emergency room. He said these services will still be provided, but written off as bad debt <br />if a patient is unable to pay, rather than using MOU funds. <br />Commissioner Price asked if there is a cap that the hospital will accept. <br />Travis Myren said no. <br />Commissioner Burroughs referred to the behavioral health study and asked from where <br />it was generated. <br />Dorothy Cilenti, Interim Health Director, said the Health Department originally requested <br />a physician in its budget, but decided on a consultant first in order to determine how best to <br />serve children in the school systems. <br />Travis Myren resumed the PowerPoint presentation: <br />• Child Support Services, Pg. 95 <br />• Total expenditure budget - $1,062,393 <br />• No significant budget changes <br />Commissioner Rich asked if page 96 could be further explained. <br />Erica Bryant, Deputy Director of Child Support, said the collected monies go to the <br />families, unless they are receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), in which <br />case the funds go to reimburse the State. She said the statement on page 96 meant that, <br />during the recession, many obligations were reduced to a lower amount; and many families <br />have not recovered since then, and the obligations remain lower than they should be. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if the levels have come back up since recession. <br />Erica Bryant said the money is given to the families successfully, and the number of <br />support collections has steadily increased; but the amount due has remained low. She said in <br />very recent months, some obligations have begun to rise again, but this is not happening <br />across the board. <br />Travis Myren resumed the PowerPoint presentation: <br />• Health Department, Pg. 362 <br />• Total expenditure budget - $9,854,522 <br />• Finance and Administrative Services Division <br />• Secure patient voice and texting system - $13,844 <br />