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10 <br /> <br /> <br />6. Regular Agenda <br /> <br />a. Consideration of Naming the Emergency Services Building the Phillip “Nick” <br />Waters Orange County Emergency Services Center <br />The Board considered voting to approve a resolution naming the Emergency Services <br />building at 510 Meadowlands to the “Phillip “Nick” Waters Orange County Emergency Services <br />Center” and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br />Dinah Jeffries, Emergency Services Director, presented this item, and indicated many <br />past staff, current staff, friends, and family - his daughter and his two sisters - were also in <br />attendance. <br />Phillip Waters daughter, Gay Waters Fayela, said it has been since 15 years since her <br />father passed away, and her daddy loved his Orange County family. She said they are her <br />second family too. She said he would have given anything to beat his cancer, and still be <br />working with the County. She thanked the Board for this honor, and everyone who was in <br />attendance tonight. <br />Dinah Jeffries recognized past staff members who worked under Nick Waters. She also <br />recognized Dr. Steve Halkiotis. <br />Steve Halkiotis said he remembered many years ago voting to appoint Nick Waters as <br />EMS director, and he learned that Orange County had the best EMS Director in the southeast, <br />and probably the United States. He said he wanted to highlight that in 1988 Nick Waters had a <br />vision that women had an important role to play in EMS, and he offered opportunities to women <br />in a previously all men’s world. He said after Nick Waters passed on, EMS went down hill too, <br />but is now back on track with Dinah Jeffries as Director. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND: <br />Phillip “Nick” Waters was the Director of the Orange County Emergency Management <br />Department (now known as Emergency Services) from 1988 to 2004. Mr. Waters passed away <br />after a short battle with cancer on April 21, 2004. Phillip “Nick” Waters was recognized by many <br />in the community for his dedication to leading emergency responders in Orange County. He <br />encouraged staff to do their best with the tools and resources available and to always share <br />their knowledge. In recognition and appreciation of Phillip “Nick” Waters’ contributions to <br />Orange County, the proposal to name the Emergency Services building at 510 Meadowlands to <br />the Phillip “Nick” Waters Orange County Emergency Services Center was presented to the <br />Board of Orange County Commissioners for consideration and on June 6, 2017, a motion was <br />passed for the Board to consider the proposal. <br /> <br />Dinah Jeffries asked Kent McKenzie to read the proclamation who traveled from Illinois, <br />and who has worked under Nick Waters. <br />Kent McKenzie read the resolution: <br /> <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION NAMING THE EMERGENCY SERVICES BUILDING THE PHILLIP “NICK” <br />WATERS ORANGE COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES CENTER <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Colonel Phillip “Nick” Waters served as the Orange County Emergency <br />Management Director from 1989-2004 leading the divisions of emergency medical <br />services, 9-1-1 communications, emergency management and fire marshal services; <br />and <br />