Orange County NC Website
17 <br />1 <br />Commissioner Burroughs said she views this differently, and considersparkland as land <br />2 <br />banking,available to future generations.She said she does not think the public is clamoring for <br />3 <br />park development, and she looks forward to a longer conversation on this topic. <br />4 <br />Chair Dorosin askedif this Board wanted to prioritize developing parks, is it permitted to <br />5 <br />use theseland legacy monies. <br />6 <br />David Stancil said the Board could do so, and steps were taken last year in the CIP. He <br />7 <br />said landbanking was done consciously for the future time when the land was needed. He <br />8 <br />said some parks have taken much longer than expected, but construction costs are different <br />9 <br />than acquisition costs. <br />10 <br />11 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Rich,seconded by Commissioner Jacobs for the <br />12 <br />Board toadopt the Lands Legacy Action Plan for 2018-2020. <br />13 <br />14 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />15 <br />16 <br />Commissioner Jacobs askedif Todd McGee coulddo a press release about this,and <br />17 <br />from where the funds come, etc. <br />18 <br />Bonnie Hammersley said yes. <br />19 <br />20 <br />d.Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (SAPFO) –Approval of Membership <br />21 <br />and Capacity Numbers <br />22 <br />The Board consideredvoting to approve the November 15, 2017 membership and <br />23 <br />capacity numbers for both school districts (Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City <br />24 <br />Schools) which will be used in developing 10-year student membership projections and the <br />25 <br />2018 SAPFO Technical Advisory Committee (SAPFOTAC) Report. <br />26 <br />27 <br />Ashley Moncado, Planner II,presented this item. <br />28 <br />29 <br />BACKGROUND: <br />30 <br />In accordance with the Schools APFO MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), the Board of <br />31 <br />County Commissioners shall approve the school districts’ November 15th membership and <br />32 <br />capacity numbers within 15 school days after receiving the numbers from the school districts. <br />33 <br />Both Orange County Schools and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools submitted their <br />34 <br />membership and capacity numbers in accordance with the MOUs. As per the MOUs, this step <br />35 <br />of the SAPFO process entails only the approval of the student membership and capacity <br />36 <br />numbers. <br />37 <br />38 <br />The SAPFOTAC, comprised of representatives of both school systems and the Planning <br />39 <br />Directors of the County and Towns, is tasked to produce an annual report for the governing <br />40 <br />boards of each SAPFO partner. The full annual SAPFOTAC report, which will include 10-Year <br />41 <br />student membership projections, will be completed in early 2018. TheCAPS (Certificate of <br />42 <br />Adequate Public Schools) system is updated with actual membership and capacity figures after <br />43 <br />the BOCC approves the information submitted by the school districts. <br />44 <br />45 <br />The chart in Attachment 2 shows the Capacity and Membership for each school level in both <br />46 <br />school districts and the increase (or decrease) over the November 15, 2016 membership. It <br />47 <br />also shows the Allowable Maximum Level of Service (LOS) as was agreed upon as part of the <br />48 <br />SAPFO MOU process and the Actual LOS based on November 15, 2017 membership <br />49 <br />numbers. <br />50 <br /> <br />