Orange County NC Website
3 <br />rd <br />1 <br />Chair Dorosin saidto try and get this on the agenda for the January 23meeting. <br />2 <br />3 <br />b.Matters on the Printed Agenda <br />4 <br />(These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br />5 <br />below.) <br />6 <br />7 <br />3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br />8 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said the quarterly meeting of the Family Success Alliance <br />9 <br />; <br />(FSA) was held yesterday, whichincluded apresentation of their new websitea presentation <br />10 <br />bySheriff Blackwood about howSeniors and Law Enforcement Together (SALT)is working to <br />11 <br />meet the individual needs in the community-serving meals, etc. He said so many thingsare <br />12 <br />happening in their community,but the distribution of information is more difficult for more <br />13 <br />people,due to the decreased use ofnewspapers, etc. He asked if thereis a better framework <br />14 <br />for disseminating information. <br />15 <br />Commissioner Price said she attended the National Association of Counties (NACo) <br />16 <br />poverty summit and fall meeting, where they toured a facility called One Safe Place in Fort <br />17 <br />Worth, which included many wraparound services.She said it does not provide shelter, but is a <br />18 <br />safe haven that is open twenty-four hours a day.She said part of the philosophy is that they <br />19 <br />have a No Wrong Door policy, meaning no matter which County department a person may call, <br />20 <br />the County staff will attempt to help, rather than saying “you’ve called the wrong department.” <br />21 <br />Commissioner Price said the Cardinal Innovations Board of Directors meeting will be <br />th <br />22 <br />held on December14. <br />23 <br />Commissioner Price said at the NACo meeting, Mecklenburg County reported on how it <br />24 <br />hadbeen hit byransom hackers,and NACo is shifting itsfocus tothis issue. <br />25 <br />Commissioner McKee said he attended the swearing in ceremony at the Town of <br />26 <br />Hillsborough. He congratulated the new and returning members of the elected boards in <br />27 <br />Carrboro, Chapel Hilland Hillsborough. <br />28 <br />Commissioner Richsaid she and Chair Dorosin attended swearing in ceremonies at <br />29 <br />Chapel Hill and Carrboro. <br />30 <br />CommissionerRich said she attended the Triangle J Council of Governments (TJCOG) <br />31 <br />meeting where they talked about farmland preservation,and she was excited to see how many <br />32 <br />farms still exist in Orange County. She saidChatham and Orange County are still adding <br />33 <br />farms. <br />34 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he would like ongoing updates fromthe discussions between <br />35 <br />the staffs of Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) and Orange County about value <br />36 <br />engineering,and updates on the Chapel Hill High project. <br />37 <br />Bonnie Hammersley said there is a meeting scheduled next week for the members of <br />38 <br />their work group to talk aboutthis. <br />39 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he previously mentioned the Government Citizens Academy, <br />40 <br />and he wanted to petition to reconstitute the County Government Day. <br />41 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said there was a meeting of elected officials and counties staffs <br />42 <br />in Wake County yesterday,in reference to agriculture and food security. He said it wasagreed <br />43 <br />thatstaff would work together to avoid duplicatingone another,and once they have a <br />44 <br />framework in place, other countieswill be invitedto participate. <br />45 <br />Commissioner Jacobsthanked the Orange County staff for the work they havedone for <br />46 <br />the residents and the Boardin 2017. <br />47 <br />Commissioner Burroughs said shehas decided not run for re-election next year,and <br />48 <br />she has a wonderful day job. She thanked the residents of Orange County for their support, <br />49 <br />andsaid that it is time to share. <br /> <br />