Orange County NC Website
10 <br />that will need to be replaced, relining of lines or manholes due to damage from hydrogen sulfide gas, etc. Still, the <br />town would be responsible for the maintenance and replacement of these systems in perpetuity after that time. <br />Hence, this site is far less desirable than the Highway 70 location. While any costs would be based on a rational -nexus <br />and something that could be reasonably documented, it would still drive up costs of connecting the NC 86 North site <br />to the sewer system. <br />Again, not utilities related, access to this site from the south end of the county would primarily go through downtown and <br />Churton Street. It appears that travel times, especially during peak times could be longer and more tedious than the <br />Highway 70 site. <br />Summary <br />The town is excited about the concept of the future facility Orange County is pursuing and applaud the proactive planning, <br />your foresightedness, and creativity in seeking solutions. The town also acknowledges that the proposed facility also <br />addresses interests /concerns regarding current uses of a county facility downtown and possibly opening it up for future <br />uses that would benefit downtown. Therefore, your efforts in this area are greatly appreciated and we want to assist <br />Orange County in helping you with the decision - making process regarding this project. <br />Based on preliminary analysis, the Highway 70 site is clearly preferable from a utilities standpoint, especially since sewer <br />service is so close to the Lakeshore Drive outfall, that is only about 300 feet away. This appears to be a much less expensive <br />option in terms of utilities connection and far less problematic for the town to serve over the long term. In addition, the <br />Highway 70 site appears to provide better access to users, puts less strain on Churton Street, and may help foster a <br />longstanding joint plan for community - scaled economic development. The town and county have a long history of <br />collaborating on policy issues that come up when siting desirable new facilities. There is no reason to think this project <br />would be any different. The town understands the county is under some pressure to make a move quickly and would <br />endeavor to streamline the project review if needed. <br />At their November 27 workshop, the town board reviewed the two options. They expressed solid support for the Highway <br />70 site with strong reservations about the NC 86 location. They also noted sincere appreciation for the consideration and <br />inclusion of town perspectives in the siting of this important facility. <br />Town staff looks forward to assisting Orange County in pursuing this important and large project! Please don't hesitate to <br />request additional information and /or propose alternatives to comments shared in this letter. We also understand you <br />are working on a tight time frame, so we will endeavor to work quickly in response to your requests. <br />Sincerely, <br />�/ <br />Eric Peterson <br />Town Manager <br />cc: Mayor Stevens and Board of Commissioners <br />Margaret Hauth, Planning Director /Assistant Town Manager <br />Id <br />