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E <br />The final list and point allocation will be provided to the TARPO Board for final approval. <br />TARPO will also post the list on its website at. and a <br />public hearing will be conducted by the TARPO Board. <br />Attachment 1 - TARPO process - provides additional details. <br />DCHC MPO Local Input Point Process <br />Points will be allocated to the projects that help achieve the adopted Metropolitan <br />Transportation Plan goals and align with the MPO's priorities. Public involvement and <br />collaboration with NCDOT also play an important part in the qualitative process. <br />Coordination with NCDOT Division Engineers will help ensure priority projects in the MPO <br />have the best funding opportunity in the next Strategic Transportation Improvement <br />Program (STIP). <br />DCHC MPO has already received NCDOT guidance for crafting an approvable input point <br />process which involves two qualitative criteria to determine how points will be allocated. <br />The first step is ranking DCHC MPO projects based on the following six -point scale: <br />W <br />300 Highway <br />500 Public Transit <br />I w Lm <br />500 any mode /project <br />MTP Prioritization <br />1!!7 <br />500 any mode /project <br />Project planned for near -term (by MTP 2025 Threshold) <br />2 <br />Project planned for mid -term (by MTP 2035 Threshold) <br />1 <br />Project planned for long -term (by MTP 2045 Threshold) <br />0 <br />Consistent with Adopted Regional or Local Plan <br />2 <br />Preliminary Engineering or Engineering Study Completed or <br />Underway <br />1 <br />Allocation of local tax revenues through a DCHC- member <br />jurisdiction voter supported referendum <br />1 <br />1 <br />DCHC- member jurisdiction demonstrates local funding <br />towards progress in project <br />1 <br />Project complements non - highway transportation facility <br />1 <br />1 <br />Project supports Environmental Justice Community of <br />Concern <br />1 <br />1 <br />TOTAL MAXIMUM <br />6 <br />6 <br />NCDOT has been granted 1,800 points to allocate for Regional Impact and Divisional <br />Needs and is allowed to assign a minimum of 4 points to a maximum of 100 points to each <br />project. The point distribution below is designed to reflect the MPO's adopted MTP funding <br />goals. <br />Regional <br />800 Highway <br />300 Highway <br />500 Public Transit <br />500 Public Transit <br />500 any mode /project <br />500 Bicycle & Pedestrian <br />500 any mode /project <br />