Orange County NC Website
<br />1/2/2018 Draft Prioritization 5.0 Local Point Methodology for Triangle Area RPO – Page 4 <br /> <br /> <br />Note: TARPO is located in Divisions 7 and 8, both of which use the same “alternative” scoring <br />criteria that differ from NCDOT’s standard scoring criteria for the highway mode in the Division <br />Needs category. These alternative criteria will also be used for TARPO’s scoring of projects. Total Score and Project Ranking Approach/Point Assignment Process <br />Once all projects in each mode have been scored according to the criteria above, TARPO staff <br />will develop a ranked list of projects within each county and within the region as a whole based <br />on the outcome of the scoring. This ranked list of all projects in all modes will be used to <br />develop the recommended point assignments that are presented to the public for comment and <br />to the RTCC and RTAC for approval. There will be separate rankings for the Regional Impact <br />category and the Division Needs category. <br />The recommendation will call for the two top-scoring projects within each county (regardless of <br />mode) to be allocated 100 points each. Additionally, the six next-highest scoring projects within <br />the region (regardless of county and mode) will also be allocated 100 points each, to reach <br />TARPO’s total point allocation of 1400 points. In the event that a county does not have at least <br />two eligible projects, then additional projects will be selected from the top of the list of remaining <br />projects in the other counties. This allows for geographic equity of projects in the region. <br />No projects with a DOT quantitative score less than 10 will be recommended for points. <br />Any project that local jurisdictions specifically request not be assigned points during the <br />countywide project ranking process will not be recommended for points. <br />An example of the ranking process is shown on the next page. <br /> <br />8