Orange County NC Website
<br />1/2/2018 Draft Prioritization 5.0 Local Point Methodology for Triangle Area RPO – Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br />The remaining 50% of the TARPO score is based on the NCDOT quantitative score. The <br />elements that make up these quantitative scores are defined by NCDOT as follows for each <br />mode and category (see NCDOT’s Prioritization Resources website for more information): <br />Regional Impact <br />Because all NCDOT regional quantitative scores are on a 70 point scale, the final results are <br />multiplied by 0.7143 to convert them to a 50 point scale for use in TARPO scoring. <br />Highway <br />Congestion Benefit-cost Safety Freight Accessibility/ <br />Connectivity <br />Total (multiply sum <br />by 0.7143) <br />20 pts max 20 pts max 10 pts max 10 pts max 10 pts max 50 pts max <br />Rail <br />Benefit-cost System <br />Opportunities <br />Safety Capacity and <br />Diversion <br />Economic <br />Competitiveness <br />Total (multiply sum <br />by 0.7143) <br />25 pts max 10 pts max 15 pts max 10 pts max 10 pts max 50 pts max <br />Transit – Mobility <br />Impact Demand/ Density Efficiency Cost Effectiveness Total (multiply sum <br />by 0.7143) <br />15 pts max 20 pts max 10 pts max 25 pts max 50 pts max <br />Transit – Demand Response <br />Impact Demand/ Density Efficiency Cost Effectiveness Total (multiply sum <br />by 0.7143) <br />10 pts max 20 pts max 15 pts max 25 pts max 50 pts max <br />Transit – Facilities <br />Impact Demand/ Density Efficiency Cost Effectiveness Total (multiply sum <br />by 0.7143) <br />20 pts max 10 pts max 15 pts max 25 pts max 50 pts max <br />Note: No ferry projects or regional-eligible aviation projects are located in the TARPO area, and bicycle/pedestrian projects are <br />ineligible for the Regional Impact category. <br />Division Needs <br />NCDOT division quantitative scores are reported on a 50 point scale, so unlike the regional <br />category above, no rescaling of scores is necessary. <br />Highway <br />Congestion Benefit-cost Safety Accessibility/ <br />Connectivity <br /> Total (sum) <br />15 pts max 15 pts max 15 pts max 5 pts max 50 pts max <br />Rail <br />Benefit-cost System <br />Opportunities <br />Safety Capacity and <br />Diversion <br />Economic <br />Competitiveness <br />Total (sum) <br />10 pts max 15 pts max 10 pts max 10 pts max 5 pts max 50 pts max <br />Transit – Mobility <br />Impact Demand/ Density Efficiency Cost Effectiveness Total (sum) <br />10 pts max 10 pts max 10 pts max 20 pts max 50 pts max <br />Transit – Demand Response <br />Impact Demand/ Density Efficiency Cost Effectiveness Total (sum) <br />10 pts max 15 pts max 10 pts max 15 pts max 50 pts max <br />Transit – Facilities <br />Impact Demand/ Density Efficiency Cost Effectiveness Total (sum) <br />15 pts max 10 pts max 10 pts max 15 pts max 50 pts max <br />Bicycle & Pedestrian <br />Safety Access Demand/ Density Connectivity Cost Effectiveness Total (sum) <br />15 pts max 10 pts max 10 pts max 10 pts max 5 pts max 50 pts max <br />Aviation <br />NCDOA Project <br />Rating <br />FAA ACIP Rating Non-state <br />Contribution Index <br />Benefit-cost Total (sum) <br />25 pts max 10 pts max 5 pts max 10 pts max 50 pts max <br />7