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<br /> <br />Attachment 2 - DCHC MPO process - provides additional details. <br />BG MPO Local Input Point Process <br />The Burlington-Graham MPO is allocated a total of 1,300 points to allocate to each Region <br />and Division project. The final point assignment will be made by the BGMPO Technical <br />Advisory Committee (TAC) after public review and recommendation by the Technical <br />Coordinating Committee (TCC). The TAC will consider projects for local input point <br />assignment based on the following criteria: <br />1. Prioritization scoring results – Candidate projects will be rank ordered based on their <br />respective NCDOT prioritization scoring results. <br />2. Consistency with local and regional plans – Candidate projects must be consistent and <br />included within locally adopted comprehensive plans and the adopted Comprehensive <br />Transportation Plan (CTP) and the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). <br />3. Public Involvement – Consideration of public comments by the TAC before assigning <br />local input points to the rank ordered project list. <br />4. Point Assignment – The TAC will assign the maximum 100 points to the top ranked <br />projects. <br /> <br />Per the NCDOT and STI regulations, 1,300 points is available to assign to Region level <br />projects and Division level projects. <br /> <br />The TAC may exercise its option of sharing or allocating unassigned local input points to <br />increase the “scoring” of regional transportation projects (regional being more than one <br />county) with an adjacent MPO. This process is accomplished via an informal agreement <br />between the MPOs and notification to NCDOT. <br /> <br />The ranked list of the highest scoring projects will be submitted to NCDOT for further <br />evaluation. Final project submittal will also occur via online process with NCDOT. <br /> <br />Attachment 3 - BG MPO process - provides additional details. <br /> <br />4