Orange County NC Website
<br />1/2/2018 Draft Prioritization 5.0 Local Point Methodology for Triangle Area RPO – Page 6 <br /> <br /> <br />Deviations from Methodology <br />These recommended point assignments will be presented to the RTCC and RTAC for their <br />review and approval. The RTCC retains the discretion to make recommendations to the RTAC <br />regarding changes to the list. The RTAC has the final discretion regarding assignment of local <br />points, and retains the flexibility to make changes to these point assignments if it is able to <br />document a reason for doing so. These changes must be documented and made available to <br />the public via the TARPO website. <br />Cascading Projects <br />TARPO will submit its Regional Impact local point assignments separately from its Division <br />Needs local point assignments, and will be able to learn which projects are funded in the <br />Regional Impact category before assigning points in the Division Needs category. As a result, if <br />there are projects funded in the Regional Impact category that would otherwise be in line to <br />receive Division Needs points as a result of this methodology, those Division Needs points will <br />instead be assigned to the next-highest scoring eligible project that has not received points <br />(subject to the rules requiring that at least two projects from each county receive points). This <br />process will be clearly explained as part of the public outreach process, and the list of “next in <br />line” projects that could potentially be affected by this rule will be presented at the same time the <br />initial point assignment recommendations are presented. <br />Point Sharing <br />On projects that cross outside of the TARPO planning boundary, TARPO must coordinate with <br />its neighboring organizations on the allocation of points. By right, TARPO may only assign the <br />number of points equal to the percentage of the project that is located within the TARPO <br />boundary—for example, TARPO could assign a project that was 48% located within its <br />boundary only 48 points by right. However, TARPO will coordinate with its neighboring <br />organizations to “share” points to ensure that these projects reach a point total of 100 points—in <br />the example above, TARPO would share 52 points with its neighbors to ensure the project <br />receives 100 points. In the event that point sharing is not necessary on these projects, either <br />because the neighboring organization already plans to assign its full amount of points for the <br />project or because the neighboring organization rejects TARPO’s offer to share points, TARPO <br />will only assign the points for the portion within its boundary and the remaining points will be <br />allocated to the next-highest scoring project on the project list that did not already receive full <br />points. Schedule and Public Outreach/Material Sharing <br /> <br />Public Participation in Project Scoring Process <br />As part of this project scoring process, TARPO will post the list of projects being submitted for <br />Prioritization 5.0, the county-level priority lists, the results of the quantitative analysis, the <br />recommended draft local input point assignments, and the final approved local input point <br />assignments at the following website: The public is invited to <br />submit comments via the website, email, phone, or mail, as well as in person at RTCC and <br />RTAC meetings at any point throughout the process. Additionally, at least one public meeting <br />will be held to gather comments at a time after the initial staff-recommended scoring is <br />10