Orange County NC Website
<br />In order to accommodate a future manufactured home park on this site, the following options are <br />available: <br />1. Approval of a subdivision creating individual lots allowing for the placement of structures <br />on each separate parcel of property, OR <br />2. Rezoning of the property, or portion thereof, to Home Park Conditional Zoning District <br />(HP-CZD) to allow for the development of a home park which would not have separate <br />parcels, but ‘spaces’. <br /> <br />Orange County has identified interest in pursuing a rezoning of this property to accommodate a <br />temporary home park for displaced residents. The property is bound by density limitations <br />detailed within the Joint Planning Land Use Plan limiting residential development to one dwelling <br />unit per two acres of property. Orange County will pursue the recombination of the two parcels <br />which make up the 78-acre Millhouse Road Park site. Depending on the number of spaces <br />sought to be created through the rezoning, the overall acreage necessary to achieve this unit <br />count through ‘clustering’ will be determined. For rough estimation purposes, only eight to ten <br />acres of the entire site will be used for the temporary home park. <br /> <br />Attachment 1 contains additional information regarding the proposed amendment. <br /> <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: It is expected that a portion of the $2 million the County has allocated for <br />affordable housing purposes will be used to retain a consultant to prepare the conditional zoning <br />district application/plans, create the temporary home park, and assist existing residents with <br />relocation. The precise financial needs are in the process of being determined but staff <br />estimates consultant costs to prepare the rezoning application/plans will be between $25,000 <br />and $40,000. The anticipated consultant contract would adhere to the established <br />process/thresholds (it would be approved by the BOCC if the contract amount exceeds <br />$90,000). <br /> <br />Consideration and approval of the rezoning will not create the need for additional funding for the <br />provision of County services. Costs for the required legal advertisement will be paid from <br />FY2017-18 Departmental funds budgeted for this purpose. As this project involves modifying the <br />Zoning Atlas, staff will notify property owners within 1,000 feet of the subject parcels of the <br />Planning Board meeting and Public Hearing where the item is reviewed. Costs for the mailings <br />will be paid from FY 2017-18 Department funds budgeted for this purpose. Signs will also be <br />posted on the parcel(s). Existing Planning staff included in the Departmental staffing budget will <br />accomplish the work required to process this amendment. <br /> <br />SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goals are applicable <br />to this item: <br />• GOAL: ESTABLISH SUSTAINABLE AND EQUITABLE LAND-USE AND <br />ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES <br />The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of people of all races, cultures, incomes <br />and educational levels with respect to the development and enforcement of <br />environmental laws, regulations, policies, and decisions. Fair treatment means that no <br />group of people should bear a disproportionate share of the negative environmental <br />consequences resulting from industrial, governmental and commercial operations or <br />policies. <br /> <br />2