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c. A more detailed buffer plan denoting proposed/required project buffers (i.e. <br />perimeter, MTC, stream AND floodplain, roadway, etc.) including widths, <br />explanation of existing vegetation (i.e. pictures of the existing foliage being <br />preserved) or more detail (i.e. cross section and rendering) on how required <br />buffers would be replanted if necessary. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Please refer to Attachment 7. <br />4. Other Consideration(s): <br />a. A condition was recommended limiting the number of outdoor lighting <br />features being left on after local business operations close for the evening. <br />There were also additional suggestions the signs be required to be <br />extinguished after hours as well. This was to address concerns over light <br />pollution. <br />STAFF COMMENT: The applicant agreed with the suggested <br />condition to limit the number of outdoor lighting fixtures left on after <br />normal business hours, with the understanding that projects within <br />Settlers Point must follow the appropriate industry guideline <br />standards including, but not limited to: IES/ANSI, OSHA, etc. in order <br />to maintain safe lighting conditions for employees, business owners <br />and the public. For more information please refer to Attachment 11. <br />At its January 10, 2018 meeting, the Board voted unanimously to <br />recommend approval of the proposed lighting conditions. For more <br />information please refer to Attachment 5. <br />b. Including of language within the conditions encouraging/promoting water <br />reuse for landscaping. <br />STAFF COMMENT: There is language in the narrative indicating the <br />applicant would engage in same. This was added to the resolution <br />of approval as contained in Attachment 11. <br />c. A condition was recommended limiting the percentage of retail operation(s) <br />allowed in District 2 to address Town of Hillsborough concerns over <br />potential impacts of retail development within Settlers Point on existing re- <br />development efforts within the Town. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: The applicant has suggested a condition be <br />imposed on the project reading as follows: ‘Retail – limited to 30% of <br />the allowable floor area of the District (i.e. District 2) not to exceed <br />78,540 square feet of total cumulative floor area’. <br />The Town of Hillsborough has suggested/requested a limit of <br />allowable retail area to 20,000 square feet or approximately 8% of <br />total allowable floor area for District 2. <br />At its December 18, 2017 and January 10, 2018 meetings, the Board <br />voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed <br />condition limiting retail to 30% of allowable floor area in District 2. <br />For more information please refer to Attachment(s) 4 and 5. <br />The 30% floor area limitation on retail development in District 2 has <br />been included within the resolution of approval contained within <br />Attachment 11. <br />7