Orange County NC Website
3• , <br /> Clerical <br /> egal ax error G.S. <br /> 0.105-381(1)(b)(a) BOCC REPORT - REAUPERSONAL <br /> Illegal tax G.S.105-381(a)(1)(b) <br /> Appraisal appeal G.S.105-330.2(b) DECEMBER 4, 2017 <br /> ACCOUNT BILLIN ORIGINAL ADJUSTED FINANCIAL <br /> NAME NUMBER G YEAR VALUE VALUE IMPACT REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION <br /> A atuccI,Kimberly 285540 2017 1,D57,500 983,400 1,146.71 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect chan e. <br /> AKG North America Inc. 250142 2017 14,295,600 12,964,300 17 409.41 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Blue Heel Ramsley LLC 1061743 2017 247,000 165,500 1,261.21 Incorrect value clerical error Value adjusted due to property being affordable housing. <br /> Blue Heel Ramsley LLC 1061744 2017 247,000 165,500 1,261.21 Incorrect value clerical error Value adjusted due to property being affordable housing. <br /> Application for homestead exemption received timely,but supporting <br /> documentation needed to approve application was received after bill <br /> Brown,Lauren Bowers 694501 2017 710,100 455,850 2,895.65 Incorrect value clerical error created. <br /> Building value was picked up in the business listing in error.Was also listed <br /> Compton Farm Inc. 212713 2017 193 220 164,393 264.83 Double billed clerical error and billed with real property. <br /> Daniels,Richard H.Sr. 1061617 2017 43,200 391.18 Illegal tax clerical error Parcel billed in error.Inactivated/closed for 2015 tax year. <br /> Elam,Mala C. 208092 2017 362,900 345,200 201.12 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> FPP 128 LLC 952876 2017 1,214 600 875,200 (4,947.43) Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> FPP 128 LLC 156313 2017 539,800 343,200 2,865.83 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Garrett,Delbert W. 246063 2017 155,100 139,800 141.45 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Leasehold improvements were listed on property owner account in error. <br /> Leasehold improvements also listed as personal property by tenant,which <br /> Glen Lennox Shopping CTR LLC 104883 2017 759,756 33,104 11,244.95 Double billed clerical error is in accordance with the Schedules of Value. <br /> KIWA LLC 189279 2017 10,177,700 5,842,900 67,081.03 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Lassiter,Elizabeth A. 309697 2017 244 000 216,300 314.76 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Lawton,Thomas S. 182074 2017 474,100 386,500 833.42 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Main Street Properties of Chapel Hill LLC 1051051 2017 3,074,900 2,480 900 9,675.67 Incorrect value clerical error "Value was chan ed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Manhard,Patrick 988048 2017 178,100 171,600 105.88 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Martin,Cathy R. 315636 2017 294,500 253,300 600.57 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Meshad,John W.Trustee 309755 2017 203,200 1130,400 352.84 Incorrect value clerical error "Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Nickell,Deborah B. 268754 2017 606,100 535,700 1,089.44 Incorrect value clerical error 'Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Nickens Charles Shelton 261183 2017 174,600 138,200 592.93 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Norwood,Harvey J.Trustee 161733 2017 154,8001 139,000 257.37 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Parrish,Douglas A. 305868 2017 207,300 194,100 204.27 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Land value erroneously left off of in the original calculation of the <br /> exemption.Circurit Breaker tax deferral is based on income and not value, <br /> however the full value is necessary to determine the correct amount to <br /> Rickman,Bethanie Smith 69668 2017 210,800 210,800 500.00 Incorrect value clerical error defer. <br /> Tea Flower Research 293754 2017 277,700 249,900 452.83 Incorrect value clerical error *Value was changed during appeal period but bill did not reflect change. <br /> Appraisal coding error caused some land not to be valued at the <br /> Wade,Jerry LTrustee 271032 2017 141,814 13,174 1,181.82 Incorrect value clerical error appropriate resent use value. <br /> Appraisal coding error caused some land not to be valued at the <br /> Wade,Jerry L Trustee 270605 2017 177,494 23,297 1,416.61 Incorrect value clerical error appropriate resent use value. <br /> Total (128,690.42 <br /> There are 18 releases that are the result of informal appeal adjustments that did not carry through during the original billing process and were recently discovered as being billed at an incorrect value.The total financial <br /> impact for just these bills is$108,272.96. 1 <br /> The spreadsheet represents the financial impact that approval of the requested release or refund would have on the principal amount of taxes. <br /> Approval of the release or refund of the principal tax amount also constitutes approval of the release or <br /> refund of all associated interest,penalties,fees and costs appurtenant to the released or refunded principal tax amount. <br /> October 12,2017 thru November 14,2017 <br />