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disallowed costs by the DWS and USDOL have been taken and the time for appeal of <br /> disallowed costs has expired. <br /> 4. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT: <br /> The Contractor shall be compensated for the work and services to be performed under <br /> this Contract by monthly reimbursed based on allowable expenditures actually made. In <br /> no event will the total compensation exceed the sum of $276,353.38 refer to specific <br /> program allocations below. If funds are available, the LA will advance one-twelfth of the <br /> total contract amount for the purpose of start-up. Provided further, the Contractor <br /> acknowledges that the LA is receiving monies to fund WIOA activities from the state and <br /> that the LA's obligations to pay any funds is conditional upon receipt of such funds. The <br /> LA may impose restrictions upon the maintenance of excess cash by the Contractor <br /> consistent with the restrictions placed upon the LA by the State and the United States <br /> Treasury Department. <br /> Orange County WIOA Youth Program Allocation: <br /> $276,353.38 <br /> 5. CONTRACTOR'S EXPENDITURE, ENROLLMENT AND PERFORMANCE <br /> BENCHMARKS: <br /> 1. The Contractor shall expend at least twenty-five percent (25%) of its funding by <br /> December 31,2017; and <br /> 2. Shall expend at least sixty percent(60%)of its funding by April 30,2018; and <br /> 3. Shall expend at least eighty percent(80%) of all funding by June 30,2018; and <br /> 4. Shall meet the WIOA common performance measures and enrollment levels as <br /> specified in the RFP. The LA will review enrollment levels by December 31, 2017 <br /> to ascertain acceptable levels. Acceptable levels shall be no less than fifty <br /> percent (50%) of the total number specified in the Contractor's RFP. Failure to <br /> meet this requirement may result in a de-obligation of funds. <br /> PY 17 Performance Goals/Common Measures: <br /> Employment Rate 2nd Quarter 68.0% 77.3% 71.0% <br /> Employment Rate 4th Quarter 71.0% 78.0% 63.0% <br /> Median Earnings $4,900 $6,750 <br /> Credential Attainment Within 4 Quarters 55.8% 60.0% 59.0% <br /> 6. DE-OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: <br /> The Contractor must meet the expenditure benchmarks specified by the April deadline <br /> date of the Performance Benchmarks or will be subjected to de-obligation of funds not <br /> expended. The funds will be returned to the LA. <br /> Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board <br /> (Rev.6/7/17) Page 2 <br />